Hey You,
I'm Sef from "Your Favorite Enemies"…
You enter a really special world here, a shelter for crazy, freaks, left behinds and other rejected and broken persons… yeah…That all started as an unbearded young dude…lost, confused, stranger to Rock, seeing myself as a waste of skin because of my folks who always pushed me aside and treated me like I was not good enough to be taken care of…
but one day, people took the time to listen to me… people took the time to invest in me… people took the time to say "Sef you deserve to be loved and we're proud to have you in the family"… Then I realized I was miserably living my life according to the lies of people telling me I was nothing but crap and I realized I was living my life to please people who were treating me like I should've been born dead…
I decided to grow my beard and hair, not as a symbol of rebellion - everybody is rebel to a millions causes nowadays... no… I decided to grow my beard and hair as a way to separate myself from the past and as a symbol of freedom for anyone who's been the slave of his loved ones' lack of attention and love… for anyone who's been slave of what other people might think of them and desperately slave of being accepted by other… slave… just like I was…
So no more little Seffy boy waiting for his dad to say "I love you son" or to say "I'm proud of you" … no… I won't let people who were supposed to love me, to protect me and to support me hurt me anymore…
Family is shelter… family is compassion… family is patience… family is acceptance… I know some people might think I'm crazy or a total freak… you know what… if being crazy and freak means accepting to be nothing more than myself and if being crazy and freak means not accepting to be treated like a piece of crap anymore… they are right… I'm crazy and I'm freak… because the freedom of wearing a beard, a moustaky or any other type of facial hair is not about appearance… is about the condition of the heart…
So if you need a place to share or only to be yourself without the fear of being judged… let Sef's kingdom be a shelter for every freaks and crazy around… it's time for a revolution… awareness is our path… empathy our scream… and authenticity our victory… hail to the bearded king!!!
- Sef