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IF YOU MISSED THE SHOW AT THE SHOWBOX ON NOV. 23RD OR IF YOU JUST WANT TO RE-LIVE THE EXPERIENCE, CLICK BELOW FOR THE LIVE WEBCAST!On March 27, 1918, four World War I fighter pilots were shot down and killed by Manfred von Richthofen - better known as "The Red Baron". Not liking their prospects in hell, their ghosts escaped to roam earth for nearly a century. Finally, in 2006, the brothers formed a new mission: to shake the world to it’s rock-loving roots.
As a classic four-piece band, the wRIGHT BROTHERS bring a smashing costumed live show fueled by the boundless charisma of the undead. Singer Clay is actual brother to guitarist Lance and drummer Doug is actual brother to bassist Dave. Every song's a hit, so listen carefully and watch at your own risk.
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