Hammer profile picture


Hammerin' till I die

About Me

Old fart being into psychobilly way too long but what can you do, it's like crabs, if you got it you can't shake it.

Love rock & roll when it's good.....but damn there's some crap out there as well.

Love my family......I can do without everything except them

Hammer has left your ass.......thank you and goodnight

My Interests

Music, wine, cooking and my family

I'd like to meet:



Rock and Roll
Neo rockabilly (no sheit)
Old psychobilly (no sheit)
Johnny Cash
Johnny Burnette
Hank Williams (the old dude ofcourse)
Chuck Berry
The Who, Motörhead and The Ramones
Batmobile obviously


I got three


The great Gretsch book


Elvis, Johnny Cash and Lemmy

My Blog

This daddy is a vampire

I just became dad again this X-mas. The 4th little Hammer is called Kiki and she's the best little thng ever. The other kids are crazy about her and so am I. Thanx for all  the kind messages...
Posted by Hammer on Fri, 28 Dec 2007 01:46:00 PST

Triple Dynamite - new album out now -

So after working about a year and a half on our new album, it's finally done. My Elvis only project 'Triple Dynamite' has released it's first album, called 'Elvis in Wonderland'. Label Count Orlok. We...
Posted by Hammer on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 12:05:00 PST

Batmobile site on Myspace

So me and Jose (Sinner-a-go-go) firgured out a new site for Batmobile on the Myspace music bit. The address is  http://www.myspace.com/batmobillly Ofcourse you can add this site to your frie...
Posted by Hammer on Sun, 12 Mar 2006 08:35:00 PST

Turning 40

I know it's sad but fuck that.....I'm turning 40 in about a week....so I'm having a birthday party with some more and less talented (inter)national arsetits playing: - Batmobile - Hammer Brothers - Tr...
Posted by Hammer on Wed, 28 Dec 2005 12:39:00 PST

2006 Batmo at the big festivals

2006 will be a good year, to name some gigs: Feb 26/27th: Brazil, psycho Carnival April 1st: Satanic Stomp, Speyer, Germany (with Rev HH, Slim Jim, Mad Sin, Nekro's, Restless, Rezurex......and mo...
Posted by Hammer on Thu, 15 Dec 2005 12:41:00 PST

Hot Topic

I'm working on getting our music played at Hot Topic shops a.o. They will be playing a comp CD from AMP (American Music Press) with Transsylvanian Express, and now they want all of our stuff......pret...
Posted by Hammer on Thu, 15 Dec 2005 12:36:00 PST