I live in Berlin and work for TV.BERLIN, a local tv-station, as a writer, editor and sometimes cameraguy. You know, the budget is small, so everybody has to be able to do everything. I focus on movies with a weekly movie magazine, ,which I prdouce by myself, I am also working for CITYLIFE our entertainment magazine, music is my business there. And I am the creative head of a magazine called "Wohnfühlen" ("living well"), which is sponsored by one of Berlin's largest housing association. The youth magazine "GOLDELSE" is aired also under my responsibility. So, you see: I have a lot of work!
So, und das ganze jetzt nochmal auf deutsch. Ich bin Howie, TV-Macher, Fotograf und DJ, letzteres zumindest part-time und vorletztes amateurmässig. Ich arbeite für TV.BERLIN als Redakteur und Reporter für