Quille profile picture



About Me

...okay maybe let's start with this: I'm Stefanie but the most call me Quille .
I'm a 24years old girl - am I old? maybe - but in my heart I'm still young.
I'm kind, honest and sometimes a lil bit sarcastic.
I know what I don't like or don't want - and I mostly know what I want.
I think that I'm mostly like a normal german girl - shy but I can be also really CrAzY or $p€cIaL.
Take me like I am or you have to go back to your home but I am what I am and you won't change that.
What can I say more? I'm addicted in music... Music is my first love and surrounds me as much as possible.
I'm also interested in things like movies or finland... and also my friends ♥ !!!
...hmmm... I like a lot of things...
Often I'm a busy girl but I try to use internet often to communicate [msn] with friends which aren't live here and I don't see often .minä rakastan suomi
I work @ night for a intensive medical care-team as child nurse. There I take care for a two years old ill boy in a family in Berlin.
oh and I have to say that I never was so good in english how I want to be... so, now I hope that my english is good enough that you understand my words... sorry for mistakes...
lot of greetings from germany
p.s.: any questions? then you have to ask me ;) ...

My Interests

music and friends, live-music/concerts/touring, traveling, internet, movies and the making ofs ...

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet E.T.[the alien] and the person which has 'invented' noodles *I love noodles* haha...and

I'll be there:

September 23rd 2007 NEGATIVE - Berlin

Click there for:

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Negative ♥ , By Heart ♥ , My Chemical Romance , The Killers , HIM , Apocalyptica , Simple Plan , Blink 182, Green Day , The Cranberries, Nevio , The Offspring, Aerosmith, Queen, Nirvana, Guns'n'Roses, Bon Jovi , Uniklubi , Deep Insight , Bloodpit , Private Line , Billy Talent, Sunrise Avenue , Tracy Gang Pussy , Close To Home , The Rasmus , The Jade , Zoo Army , Die Ärzte/Farin Urlaub, Virginia Jetzt, Freistil, Gregorian, nts, Scycs, Madsen, Bosse, Hoobastank, The Calling, count the stars, Evanescence, Robbie Williams, Bryan Adams, AWG, Score, Juicy Junk, Sportfreunde Stiller, Revolverheld , Silbermond, Phantom Planet, National Product , A.P.Angel , Jacob's Loc , O-Town (O2), Benny Martell , Ben*jam*in , and last but not least - Hanson (germany: yes, they are still alive), ...and many more
Soundtracks (+Musicals): Pearl Harbour, Starlight Express, The Faculty, Dirty Dancing, Grease, Lord of the Rings, Neverending Story, Casper, Honey, Highschool Musical, Troy, The Crow ....
*and I hate all these fu--in' ringtones-jingles/commercials*



Pearl Harbor, Lord of the Rings 1-3, The Crow, Armageddon, Casper + E.T., Dirty Dancing, Arlington Road, Pirates of the Caribbean 1+2, The Faculty, Signs, Astronaut's Wife, Wiege des Terrors, Mercury Puzzle, The 6.Sence, X-Men 1-3, A Walk to Remember, The Neverending Story 1-3, Grease, Highschool Musical, My Girl 1+2, Jack the bear, Free Willy 1-3, Kramer vs. Kramer, The Hole, Murder by Numbers, Nightmare before Christmas, Ransom, S.Kings IT, ... I like so many different movies... I like mystery, thriller, horror, lovestory, science fiction and funny movies, too... but I don't like the Halloween- and Freddie Krueger-movies!!

...if you haven't it yet - you should buy this one ;)


NavyCIS, Dr.House, Monk, Simpsons, Southpark, CSI(/-Miami), Home Improvement and O.C.California... stuff like that...


Actually I've never read a lot books (only the ones that we'd to read for school: like "Romeo & Julia" or Süßkinds "Das Parfum")...
the last years I've read R.Wallace "Pearl Harbour" (roman to the movie), J. Todenhöfer "Andy + Marwa" and last year I'd to read a looot of books and notebooks for my exam.
This year I'd read A. De Saint-Exupéry "Der kleine Prinz", Kurt Cobains Diary and a book about his dead, J.Patterson 'Der 1.Mord', "5Tage im Sommer" by Kate Pepper, the 'Pirates of the Caribbean'-books which i got in my cornflakes (wrote by W.+R.Hohlbein).
At the moment i read J.Kellermans "Todesrausch"... same time i read J.Hoffmanns "Cupido" and the continuation "Morpheus"...
"Todesrausch" is a lil bit boring right now... I don't know what I'll read after...


...A tribute which CTH made of Brad:


Kurt Cobain...
...I haven't a lot heros but there are some persons which I really admire... which i admire because they are real fighters or done 'special' things - stuff like that... I don't know... maybe I'll try to be my own hero someday...

My Blog

'By Heart' im Interview:

  mein deutscher Artikel mit Interview vom Februar 2007online bei  Inn-Joy: http://www.inn-joy.de/index.php?option=com_content&task= view&id=655&Itemid=30 ^^ spread the ...
Posted by Quille on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 07:29:00 PST


We're soarin', flyin' / There's not a star in heaven that we can't reach / If we're trying / So we're breaking free / You know theworld can see us / In a way that's different than who we are / Creatin...
Posted by Quille on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 02:42:00 PST

Santa Claus/ Joulupukki/ Weihnachtsmann

Posted by Quille on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 03:01:00 PST

our Jay [NGT] interview [Nov.9th 2006 in Bochum]

now it's doneour interview with JAY SLAMMER from NEGATIVE is ONLINEwe met him noember 9th 2006 - if you want to know what he told us click there and you'll get his answers to the questions:www.ja...
Posted by Quille on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 01:00:00 PST

our Jonne [NGT] interview [Nov.2nd in Hamburg]

go and check out our page negative-fanclub.de - click media and -> interview ^^ there you can read what Jonne told us november 2nd 2006 XD ...
Posted by Quille on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 10:52:00 PST

October 31th: Ben*jam*in-Interview [deutsch/german]

  (c) myspace.com/tjbbenjamin   Stell dir vor du wärst ein Tier - welches wärst du? Vermutlich eine Katze. Emotional, eigensinnig, clever, schnell...   Wer ist Benjamin - describe ...
Posted by Quille on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 11:53:00 PST

updated Oct.25th => about BRAD [R.I.P. Bradley Grant Thomas Andress Oct.06.2006]

click to listen: "Please Tell Me" by Close To Home [CTH Basement - 2006 Brads Song]    Close To Home...in their own words!Brad Andress is the bass player for Close To H...
Posted by Quille on Mon, 13 Mar 2006 01:34:00 PST

Finnish Rock Night in Berlin (Germany) [Lapko - Brightboy - THE WINYLS - NAKED]

mein Bericht ist nun online :D - habts nachsehen war mein erster... viel spaß >> Finnish Rock Night - Bericht (c) Quille    *english version at the blog-end - translation by Bro...
Posted by Quille on Thu, 21 Sep 2006 05:31:00 PST

update 15. august: amphi-festival + FLYERN für NEGATIVE

^^ and i'll be there *yeaaah* ...gesucht werden auch noch ein paar fleißige hände... wer interesse hat flyer zu verteilen der schreibe mir bitte wann und wo ihr aktiv werden wollt oder könnt - ich l...
Posted by Quille on Wed, 19 Jul 2006 03:38:00 PST


click ^^ -> Media -> FC-Interview and you'll get our interview with JONNE from NEGATIVE ;)greetings Quille...
Posted by Quille on Sun, 09 Jul 2006 01:08:00 PST