Known mostly for its unusual content and topics, The Sinner has developed a cult-like following throughout the greater Seattle area. For this reason alone we overlook demographic statistics, such as sophisticated taste, financial security and activity to lure in our potential advertisers. Instead, we claim one common denominator in our readers - an interest in sin. It’s these readers that your business may not be reaching in other publication; a group of drinkers, smokers, pot advocates, tattoo enthusiast and sex-positive thinkers – Sinners if you will.
Our staff is a group of volunteers who believe in the founding principles and ideals of The Sinner. It’s their unity and dedication that continues to strengthen our readership, and keep the cost of publishing down to make advertising in The Sinner affordable for almost every budget.
This is where you, the advertiser, have a chance to become part of something more than a media outlet –– a close-knit community.
Thanks to all who help support the Sinner.
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