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.. "> le ballet en pointe
~Hello *;)
I don't know what to type....
Who do I love? The usual.
About my personality, I'm simply just me.
...Some activities I normally do....things like: sing, dance, walk the dog, draw, baby-sit, read, paint, believe it or not~ sleep~ & eat, create, make & arrange stuff & snap up some nephew/doggie photos sometimes....tedium?, je m'excuse.
...I used to run and now I sit to enjoy some hyper laughter...smiles & contentment with evolving energy...reality dreams of abundancy and times of reflection intuition...internalized contemplating... applications...the reasons for life....wishing for peace. Finally accepting & finding hope --once again & rediscovering passions...emoting logic...laughing....smiling...musical movement & soundwaving audiotherapy...within eternal & exteriorally internalizing & vocalizing...realizations, strong bases & ephiphanies...glistering, watching waiting and wading in the moments of sensual hopes returning towards seconds of application & self-actualization.
...Since I tend to speak softly....type thus, I shall attempt...
...My fave color is obviously the color blue
....I mealy miss hosed sprinkled free feeling summers of popsicled young yore...., whatever....will be what ever will it be will or what is ever~ c'est la guerre. je pense donc je suis....
~*Piace :) and all that jazz =)
la vie en rose bleue
P.S. Hush sush shh shh don't you know?
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MySpace LayoutsAbsorb the arabesquely amazing autumnal grace! Summer solstice grow hotter and sunnier ~sil te plait! Caliente. Tres bien. Ja.
MyHeritage : Family tree - Genealogy - Celeb
Layout by CoolChaser