Ukoo Flani (Upendo Kwote Olewenu Ombeni Funzo La Aliyettumba Njia Iwepo: love everywhere all who seek teachings of the Creator; there is a way) is a combination of diverse talents which was founded in the Coastal town of Mombasa, Kenya in 1996.
Ukoo Flani has been described as a revolutionary hip-hop movement led by thirteen self-proclaimed soldiers who use hip-hop music as a tool to wage war against social injustice and inequality in their native Kenya. The group is comprised of musicians as well as actors, acrobats, and many more creative performers.
Going back to the old centuries, Africans used poetry, song, and story-telling to educate and inform the youth about culture, tradition, and history. Always giving honor to the ancestors, Ukoo Flani's music is an extension of this rich history.
Upendo Kwote.