About Me
BIO777 (Triple 7) Records And Entertainment, Inc. was founded andincorporated January 11, 2004. The company was founded on the principles ofinnovation and sure professionalism. The Corporation is a self functioningcompany which brings several entities into existence. The company consists of sixoffsprings: 777 (Triple7) Records, 777 (Triple 7) Series Clothing Co., 777 (Triple 7)Studios, 777 (Triple 7) Music Productions, 777 (Triple 7) Films and (Triple 7)777 Management Inc. 777 (Triple 7)Records And Entertainment, Inc. was founded by CEO.. Dale R. Anderson and isthe Sole Stock Holder. Dale R. Anderson is a graduate of Spartanburg MethodistCollege located in Spartanburg, South Carolina where he received a degree inBusiness Administration. 777 (Triple 7) Records has 8 artists, 3 producers, and 1professional movie screen writer. The 8 artists are creatively positioned into a wellorganized group called 777 (Triple 7) Clic. The group consists of BRO-JAMESAKA JAMES PATTON, K.O.C. AKA KAREEM NEWTON, SOUTH-KAT AKA TRAVIS HEARD, LIL-PETEY AKADEMETRIUS RICHARDSON, BIG-LOS AKA CARLOS SULLIVAN,D-CIPHER AKA DALE ANDERSON AND NEWEST MEMBERS YOUNG KOC AND BLACK ICE . 777 (Triple 7) Clic has a very marketableimage that has grown Nationwide. The live performances and CDs have been ingreat demand, in some cases just the mere presence of the group has spun largecrowds. 777 (Triple 7) Clic has graced the stages and has been special guest atmajor events with the following national recording artists: YOUNG JEEZY,TRICK DADDY, DA FRANCHIZE BOYZ, EIGHT BALL AND MJG, KHUJO AND T-MO GOODIE, BLOCK ENT BOIZ N DA HOOD,SHOP BOIZ,D-4L,BEN HILL SQUAD,YOUNG CAPONE,T-PAIN,EASTSIDE BOYS,STREET RUNNAZ CLIC,YOUNG VET,THROWBACK BOYZ, GUCCI MANE, MR. CHEEKS FORMALLY OF THELOST BOYS, DETROITS SPORT COAT,MONTANA DA MAC,PLAYA CIRCLE,SOLDIER BOY,YOUNG RAPLH,CARLEON FAMILY,HURRICANE CHRIS,BOHANGON,PLAY BOY TRE,LIL BOOSIE, LIL WAYNE AND MANY MORE. The grouphas been featured in major editorials and magazine publications. The list is asfollows: Anderson Independent Mail, Hot Block Magazine,Excite Magazine, The Herald Journal,The Link, SC the Beat, and soon to appear inthe Source Magazine thanks to senior editor Michael Blue Ice Harris. The grouphas also headlined more than 30+ professionally widely publicized concerts. Thegroups energy and cleverness with word play on well designed tracks has earned acreditable position in the music industry. In doing so, the record label has been ableto generate enough capitol to release its first album. The group has been highlyrecruited to be featured on hundreds of mix tapes and underground projects bysome of the hottest DJs. Each artists brings to the music world his own style andcharacteristics; which in turn, will allow our fans to over indulge themselves in avariety of hip hop pleasures. Also the World is Yours Tour 2007 Presented by Triple 777 Records And Entertainment Inc, is growing at an incredible rate recieving endorsement by the biggest names in show business! The World is Yours Tour 2007 coming soon to a State near you.