ThEdA BaRa...
"rIvER oF DeCeIT" MaD SeAsOn...=(
WHat I Really LoVe:
GoD..My family..Già ..Boda..My Real Friends..Music(Rock,Grunge,Hard rock,Alternative rock,Electronic,Celtic..)Dancing..The Sea..Boxing!!..Art..Graphics..Design..Books
Horror and Thriller movies..
Blue..Foreign Languages..Studying Foreign Languages..Old and New Cartoons..Taking Pics..People..Tim Burton's Movies..
Vampires..Elves, Pixies, Dwarfs and Trolls..Creative People..Optimist People..Watching Movies at Home..
Candles..Meeting New People..Travelling..Chocolate..Sicily(my region)..Italy..France..
Scotland..Chinese Food..Pizza..Ethnic Style..Asian beauty..Churches..Old Cemeteries..Watching the sea..Watching the Sea after sunset..Simulation games(All Tycoon Games)..Irish People..Irish Music..Celtic Legends..Black Cats..
"HelL iS ArOunD ThE CorNeR" TRiCKy
"InVaSIoN OF ThE BoDy SNatcHerS" 1956
" Cigaro, Needles, Bounce and A..." System of a down
KaoStRiButo* CraNbeRries* JoY DiViSion* IncuBuS..
Lamb* YeLloW rAn FaSt* PhOeNiX* BjOrk* COctEau TWins* MaSsiVe attack* AiR* ThOrNleY* AFI* AliCe CoOpEr* RadiOhEaD*
SoUl AsYluM* ScrEamiNg TreEs* PorTisHead* Pinback* CArLy SiMoN* TrAcy CHapMan* GOldFrapP* ThE KnIFe* JEff bUcKleY...
MAD SEASON* Pearl Jam*
SoUnD GaRdEn* ChRis COrnelL* AuDioSlaVe* SiLver ChAir* SmAShInG PuMpKinS* BluR* AqME* AnGeLo BrAndUarDi* ToOl* A PERFETC CIRCLE...
CoCoroSie* SiGuR RoS* ThE PrOdiGy* CrEed* SuBsonica* Guano Apes* Hole* Anouk* Korn* SuBsOnica* MuSe* The KilLers* Yeah yeah yeahs..
Million Dollar Baby,
La città incantata(Miyazaki),
Il mio vicino di casa Totoro,
Il castello errante di Howl
Dogville, Edward mani di forbice, The Last Samurai, Death Becomes Her, The First Wives Club, The Witches of Eastwick...
Sleepers, Seven, Lost in translation, The Butterfly effect,
The sixth sense, City of Angels, Gangs of New york,The Machinist, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, A Bronx Tale..
Matrix, Dangerous minds, Return to Oz, Vanilla Sky, Requiem for a dream, THe Mask..
American Beauty, Stand by Me, The Crow,The Warriors,Little Miss Sunshine..
Memento, HurlyBurly..
Beautiful Mind, Party Monster, Donnie Darko..
Trainspotting, Fight Club, Il favoloso Mondo di Amelie, the Others, Goodfellas..
Big fish, The Goonies, Willow, Labyrinth, Gattaca..
12 Monkeys, BIG, Back to the future, Brave Heart, The Neverending story, The Green Mile, Mary Reilly..
Far and Away, Moll Flanders, Swept from the sea, Jane Eyre, Forrest Gump..
Usually I don't watch tv...but there's sumthing I like:"La storia siamo noi","Superquark","Nip and Tuck","Desperate housewives","Voyager","Gilmore girls","the Simpsons","Futurama",
"Will e Grace","Cold case","Quantum leap","Nana"..
"Il maestro e Margherita",Bulgakov(My favourite!!^^)
"Il Profumo",Patrick Süskind
"La coscienza di Zeno",Italo Svevo
"Un amore dell'altro mondo",Pincio
"Il ritratto di Dorian Gray",Wilde
"L'insostenibile leggerezza dell'essere",Kundera
"Siddharta",Hermann Hesse
Dr.Jekyll e mr.Hyde",Stevenson
"Dieci piccoli indiani",Agatha Christie
"L'alchimista", Paulo Coelho
Homer Jay Simpson