Offending the moral majority, one sign at a time. "jesus rapes everyone" can you see the man behind the sign? "jesus is a liar" "it's time to torch god"
CoS members, people that want to play sign scrabble. Please do not contact me if you have misguided, feebleminded anti-CoS or pro-Xtian predilections. Futhermore, do not contact me if you are a functionally illiterate, mindless sheep in wolves' clothing, a groupie, or a druggie. If you are on my "friends" list, please know that this does not mean that I am inherently attesting to your character. Also, please do not post comments of computer generated sign boards. Clearly, you are too sedentary to take action and would rather come up with your witty sayings from the comfort of your arm chair. Disclaimer: The producer of this page does not support, encourage, or endorse illegal activities, including trespassing on private property to rearrange letters on signboards.
Nine Inch Nails, Wagner, Tool, Johnny Cash, Schubert
The Wicker Man, Citizen Kane, Faust (Svankmajer’s marionette version), Nightmare Alley, The Black Cat, The Invisible Ray, Alice Sweet Alice, Freaks, A Clockwork Orange, Fritz Lang's M, Harvey
South Park, the History Channel
Nietzsche's Antichrist, Beyond Good and Evil, etc.; LaVey's Satanic Witch, Satanic Bible, etc.; Camus's Stranger, Plague, Myth of Sisyphus; Dostoevsky’s Demons; Gogol's Dead Souls; anything by Freud or Jung
Nietzsche, Anton LaVey, Freud, Jung, Darwin