Naturam expellas furca, tamen ipsa redibit.
Oh. I've just ordered them to be eaten alive, by ants.
Rock n´Roll, Classic Rock, Heavy Metal, Death/Black Metal Some Punk, Oi, Techno, Industrial, Goth, Pop.
At Midnight I'll Take Your Soul, Subconscious Cruelty, Rosemary´s Baby, The Omen, Poltergeist II, Monty Python´s Life Of Brian, Legend, Labyrinth, 7 Faces Of Dr. Lao, Tobe Hooper Night Terrors, Quills, Buffalo 66, House of 1000 Corpses, Texas ChainSaw Massacre, The Roost, The Stand, IT, The Devil´s Advocate, Witches of Eastwick, Ilsa She Wolf Of SS, Ginger Snaps II, Ginger Snaps, Ginger Snaps Back: The Beginning, Cannibal Holocaust, Evil Dead trilogy, all Hellraiser, Creep,The House, The House II, The House III, The House IV, Silent Hill, Craft, etc, etc, etc...
Anton LaVey, Bertrand Russell, Richard Dawkins, Charles Darwin, Friedrich Nietzsche, Robert Greene, Charles Bukowski, Carl G. Jung, Aldous Huxley, Voltaire, Plutarch, Ayn Rand,George Orwell, Howard Bloom, Ragnar RedBeard, Marquis De Sade.