Sundt Productions profile picture

Sundt Productions

... it's been said, The Brain Is The Screen-I, Am A Camera, With My Shutter Open-A Wink Is As Good A

About Me

I've been asked to post my photos of building The Spinner, and Deckard's Car, for Blade Runner- I will be able to post them when I can ensure they won't be copied, since they are the only color photos of the vehicle's construction and have never been published ****** The U.F.O. footage I filmed over the Superstition Mts. that Friday night the Heaven's Gate cult killed themselves while waiting for a U.F.O., will be posted as soon as I have the opportunity ****** I will also post my photos from the 1st Space Shuttle landing (STS-1) of the (late) Columbia Space Shuttle at Edwards A.F.B. ****** Also, I wish to ask that if anyone ever comes across the group photo from the 1st Traveling Wilbury's music video, "Handle With Care", where I'm standing between Mr. Harrison & Mr. Petty, if you would please drop me a note ****** Additionally, if anyone comes across production photos from these studio shows; Petrocelli -(e.)Terror by the Book(TV) * Wacko(The Last Horror Picture Show) * Thunder Alley * Hunter's Moon(Wild Times-TV) * The Posse(TV-Pilot) * Knightrider 2010 * Eight Legged Freaks(Arach Attack), or has access to the L.A. Co. Museum of Art documentary; Abstract Art Thorughout the Ages, please contact me. ****** Plus, I would like to find photos of the grand-opening party that opened the Old Tucson Sound Stage with the cast of The High Chaparral televison series. ****** Thank You.

My Interests

Scene Study:Acting/Directing- '79-'81 w/ Michael Holmes @ Debbie Reynolds Studios - '82 w/ Jack Manning (L.A.) @ Univ. of AZ. - '83 Actor's Lab/Scottsdale AZ.


... too many songs to list ... *** Guitar Luthier *** Schecter Guitar Research Van Nuys, CA. '80-'81


Lawrence of Arabia (Director's Cut), Hell in the Pacific, Rear Window, Psyco, The Lodger, Spellbound, Blade Runner, Leon/The Professional, A Clockwork Orange, The Godfather I/II, Modern Times, The Great Dictator, Apocalypse Now! (Original Cut), Death Wish, Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines, Planet of The Apes(1968), Silent Running, 200 Motels, The Wardrobe(short film), Closing Time (short film), Monty Python and The Holy Grail, Three Days of The Condor, Un Chien Andulou, A Man Called Horse, D.O.A. (1950), Alvin Purple, The Naked Prey, Koyaanisqatsi, Powaqqatsi , Naqoyqatsi, The Maltese Falcon, The Big Sleep, Casa Blanca, Stalag 17, The Bridge on the River Kwai, The Great Escape, The Dirty Dozen, Bullitt, The Man Who Would Be King, The French Connection, Electra-Glide in Blue, Bonnie and Clyde(1967), Emanuelle, Pink Flamingos, The Great Waldo Pepper, All Quiet On The Western Front(1930), In Cold Blood, Sleeper, History of The World I/II, Looking For Mr. Goodbar, Battleship Potemkin, Caddy Shack, Sergeant York, Animal House, Ben Hur, Blazing Saddles, The Wrong Trouser's, This Property Is Condemned, Valdez Is Coming, Cool Hand Luke, Jeremiah Johnson, The Mechanic, Citzen Kane, Boogie Nights, The Wild Bunch, Junior Bonner, Papillon, The Sand Pebbles, The Magnificent Seven, The Wind and The Lion, The Four Feathers(1939), The Three Musketeer's(1973), The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari(1920), The Hunchback of Notre Dame(1939), M(1931), The Seven Samurai(1954), Beau Geste(1926), Once Upon A Time In The West, WestWorld, The Money Pit, Sleuth, I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang, Judge Roy Bean(1972), Freaks, Foreign Correspondent, The Flight of the Phoenix(1965), Oliver, The Pink Panther, The Return of the Pink Panther, 2001:A Space Odyssey, Vertigo, Rope, The Quiet Man, Major Dundee, Twelve Angry Men, Gunga Din, Duck Soup, The Coconuts, Animal Crackers, A Night at the Opera, A Day at the Races, Horse Feathers, The Groove Tube, Kentucky Fried Movie, The Deer Hunter, Taxi-Driver, Paper Moon, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Polyester(w/scratch & sniff card), Rebel Without a Cause, Chinatown, East of Eden, Giant, Metropolis, Airplane, The Man with the Golden Arm, On The Road to Singapore, I, Cuba(short film), Slingblade(short film), Young Frankenstein, Cars, L'Age D'Or, Rollerball(1975), Bambi meets Godzilla(film short), Gunga Din, Paint Your Wagon, Little Big Man, The Miracle Worker(1962), The Left Handed Gun, El Dorado, The Blue Max, The Blue Knight, Captain Blood, Bowfinger, The Adventures of Robin Hood, The Hustler, Hud, The Lion in Winter, The Manchurian Candidate, Roger Rabbit, Regen(short film), Uberfall(short film), The Hearts of Age(short film), Ballet Mechanique(short film), Jesus Christ Superstar, Dog Day Afternoon, Limelight, What Ever Happened to Baby Jane, Sunset Boulevard, The Sunshine Boys, The Odd Couple, Viva Zapata, East of Eden, Car Wash, Shane, Spartacus, Birdman of Alcatraz, American Graffiti, Lifeboat, Gypsy, Some Like It Hot, The Out-of-Towners(1969), The Vikings, The Exorcist, Fantasia, Mister Roberts, Cheyenne Autumn, It Happened One Night, Run Silent Run Deep, Sink the Bismark, Bringing Up Baby, Bachelor Party, The Shining, Hard Times, The Grapes of Wrath, The Hustler, Das Boot, The Treasure of Sierra Madre, Emperor of the North Pole, Mr. Majestyk, The Cheyenne Social Club, Death Hunt, Robin and The Seven Hoods, Serpico, Joe Kidd, The Outlaw Josey Wales, The Andromeda Strain, Clan of the Cave Bear, The Illustrated Man, Cat Ballou, The Man Who Knew Too Much(1934), The Blackbird, The Producers(1968), A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, Strangers on a Train, Marathon Man, 1984, Clean and Sober, Kramer vs. Kramer, The Sting, Doctor Zhivago, Lost Horizon, The Spy Who Came in from the Cold, The Thirty-nine Steps, M*A*S*H, The Thin Man, Return of the Thin Man, Flesh Gordon, The Meanest Man in the World, Battle of the Bulge, Man of LaMancha, Algernon, The Mackintosh Man, The Mouse That Roared, Conquest of the Planet of the Apes, Slap Shot, Dial M for Murder, The Seven Percent Solution, Khartoum, The Front Page(1974), The Time Machine(1961), The Fastest Gun Alive, Barbarella, Young Mr. Lincoln, A Boy and His Dog, To Have and Have Not, The Rainmaker, Wavelength(short film), Used Cars, Bad Boys, The Network, The Hawaiians, Soylent Green, The Garden of Allah(1936), The Lemon Drop Kid, On the Waterfront, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, The Buster Keaton Story, Boy's Town(1938), Little Ceasar, Kid Galahad, Song of Norway, Deliverance, Skullduggery, Frankenstein(1931), Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, Hud, Hombre, Repo Man, The Hospital, The Way of the Gun, The Usual Suspects, Fahrenheit 451, Who's Minding the Mint, The Beguiled, Cyrano de Bergerac, The Thief of Baghdad, The Paper Lion, Reefer Madness, Cocaine Fiends, Dr. Ehrlich's Magic Bullet, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, Tora Tora Tora, The Longest Day, The Best of Times, Carrie, 13 Tzameti, ... are films that I've enjoyed out of all the films I've watched.


The Twilight Zone, Monty Python's Flying Circus, The Simpson's, South Park, Fawlty Towers, Action, The Short List, Connections, Police Squad, Green Acres, Iron Chef(original), The Prisoner, ...


Respect for Acting, The Art of War, Hitchcock: The Muderous Gaze, Hitchcock/Truffant, The Art of Alfred Hitchcock, The Brain is the Screen, Celluloid Soliders, Hugo Munsterberg on Film, A History of Experimental Film and Video, The World According to Hollywood, Animating Culture, Gilles Deleuze- the Movement Image, The Ministry of Illusion, The Power of Film Propaganda, Film as Art, Before Mickey, From Caligari to Hitler, Aesthetics of Film, Making Images Move, The Aesthetics and Psychology of the Cinema, How to Read a Film, The Oxford History of World Cinema, Essential Dalí, The Story of American Photography, Documentary film; the use of the film medium to interpret creatively and in social terms the life of the people as it exists in reality, by Paul Rotha in collaboration with Sinclair Road [and] Richard Griffith, Objects of Desire : conversations with Luis Buñuel, An Economic Theory of Avant-Garde and Popular Art, and Low Culture, The Great German Films, Film Audience/Film Audience Research, Soviet Cinema, Celluloid Mavericks, History of The Movies, Hollywood:The First 100 Years, The Men Who Made Movies, Laurel and Hardy, The Art of Walt Disney, Lighting for Location Motion Pictures, The Light on Her Face, The Technique of Special Effects Cinematography, Film Lighting, Cinematography, Special Effects in the Movies, 16mm Manual, Directing the Documentary, Don't Look at the Camera, Creative Film-Making, Basic Motion Picture Technology, FIlmmakers and Financing, Script Supervising and Film Continuity, The Guerilla Film Makers Handbook, Film Production Technique, Producing and Directing the Short Film & Video, Handbook of Motion Picture Production, The Filmmakers Handbook, Independent Feature Film Production, Film * T.V. Law, Legal Guide for the Visual Artist, Pictorial Cyclopedia of Photography, The Manual of Photography, Basic Photography, The Negative, The New Encyclopedia of Photography, Focus on Special Effects, Experimental Photography, Light and Color, Fundamentals of Optics, *** (plays) The Zoo Story, The Iceman Cometh, The Hairy Ape, The Movie Man, The Death of Bessie Smith, The Emperor Jones, Sister Mary Ignatius Explains it All For You, Yank, The American Dream, The Sandbox, King Lear, The Twelfth Night, Hamlet, In the Boom-Boom Room, The Glass Menagerie, Fantasy On An Empty Stage, When You Comin Back Red Ryder, Abortion, Servitude, A Wife for a Life, I Am A Camera, *** (general) Cry Geronimo(Watch For Me On The Mountain), The Black Arrow, The Rise and Fall of The Third Reich, Psycology and The Simpson's, Midnight Express, Lauren Becall-Myself, The Vengeance Trail of The Outlaw Josey Wales, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, ...


... Those Who Have Had To Stand Naked On The Barren Plain, Holding Only A Sword And A Shield...

My Blog

A Beau Bridges Story...

About 30 years ago, in Flagstaff, Arizona, I was having breakfast at the diner counter inside Little America, and a man was sitting two seats to my right, also eating breakfast. Soon, two giggling gir...
Posted by Sundt Productions on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 11:49:00 PST

Colossal Cave & My Family...

I have been fortunate to have grown up at an intersection of Arizona history...   While some reading this may know of the one side of my family which has been involved in heavy construction for t...
Posted by Sundt Productions on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 12:28:00 PST

Thor's Hammer Thesis Excerpt...

Here is the core of thought behind Thor's Hammer... there are 26 pages, a quarter of the thesis, in total.   Symbols, Icons, and Paranoia-Critical Imagery: Measurement of Cinematic Use and Effect...
Posted by Sundt Productions on Sat, 27 Jan 2007 12:17:00 PST

New Ghille Suit Test Photo... The Art of Not being Seen...

I have posted a new test photo of the ghille suit... I have not yet applied all of the foliage for this photo... Thx...
Posted by Sundt Productions on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 12:51:00 PST

Post-Neo Avant-Garde Manifesto...

Hi, I would like to begin a dialogue of like-minded artists and will post the beginnings of a manifesto which is open to input and change, so please feel free to add your comments or concerns. Many Th...
Posted by Sundt Productions on Sun, 24 Dec 2006 08:04:00 PST

Announcing the Birth of The Post-Neo-Avant-Garde Movement...

I believe that art both parallels and reflects the current social, cultural, and political times in which the art is created. Additionally, I believe that the current state of avant-garde and surreali...
Posted by Sundt Productions on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 10:27:00 PST

6th Mini-Set Piece- Telephone Poles w/ Detonating Transformer...

The 6th set piece is finished, with a picture of the miniature telephone poles ,posted in My Pics, of which one has a transformer on it which is to be detonated and captured with High-S...
Posted by Sundt Productions on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 05:47:00 PST

Multi-Scale Miniature Ranch Test Photos...

I've finished most of the fine detail work on all the current set pieces, except for the storage container, which I'll match to the 1:1 scale one to be used during production... There are 4 new photos...
Posted by Sundt Productions on Tue, 07 Nov 2006 03:58:00 PST

1:1 & 1/35th Scale Elements Combined on Mini-Set...

With the editing of my thesis, I've tried to meet a deadline as best as I can, so I've posted in My Pics some quick & dirty test photos of all the set elements on the mini-set,...
Posted by Sundt Productions on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 12:54:00 PST

Ranch House & Crew Quarters Miniature... Revised... Revised...

Between editing and doing new research for my thesis, I've had to take a little time out, and so I've finished the basic construction on the 5th set piece, a ranch house w/ semi-attached crew quarters...
Posted by Sundt Productions on Fri, 27 Oct 2006 11:08:00 PST