Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor
Second hand stores.
a 21st century cavalier (not a royalist, though)/dandy/space-trooper with 80's circa Simon Le Bon hair.
Nothing my camaro driving, shows-up-at-grandma's-funeral-in-sweatpants cousin would listen to, like ZZ Top.
Not really into them.
Not really into it either.
Watership Down, Vanity Fair, Forsyth Saga, Bergdorf Blondes, House of Mirth, Bridget Jones Diary, Catcher in the Rye, Making Faces (yes, the make-up book) Anything by Roal Dahl...books about fashion designers and artists with good pictures...anything by Cathrine Cookson, artfag/music magazines, Vice Do's and Don'ts And (of course) the fabulous Cordmag (when it's actually updated).
Beau Brummell.