THIS PAGE IS CURRENTLY UNDERGOING RENOVATIONS. Founded in June 2005, is an online website that provides the hip-hop community with music, information & opinions from the perspective of one fan to another. Initially, The Smoking Section was founded to provide reviews of various albums and artists, ranging from hip-hop, reggae, jazz, R&B, and various other genres. Far too often, fans of music pigeonhole themselves to one genre without understanding that the very artists they support simply don't listen to one type of music, but many forms. By showing influences, original works and the like, The Smoking Section attempts to open the eyes, ears and minds of visitors and listeners following the motto "Free your mind & your ass will follow." With only a year under our belts, The Smoking Section has exceeded all of our initial expectations. With over 30,000 visitors per week & over one million page views, we plan to expand our ventures to include advertisements that coincide with the hip-hop world as well as become some what of a hip-hop rolodex, connecting people across the globe. As an added venture, TSS conducts artist interviews, called "Smoking Sessions", where we interview various artists & people from within the music industry, but take a novel "average Joe" approach and ask a wide variety of questions.