I'm a programmer/ditch digger/Jack-of-all-IT-trades for a very large manufacturing company that we all know, which shall remain unnamed, for posterity's sake.
I'm happily married to this wonderful woman and have 2 adopted kids, Marina and Demetri. Not to mention a zoo at home.
After a 10 year hiatus in Ft Lauderdale, spent engaging in debauchery, I've returned to Louisville. Although, I'm not a native of this backwards state either, but that's another story.
Don't let the picture fool you, I'm not a wacked out, suicidal druggie that wants to be a vampire. It's just fun to dress up sometimes.
My weekly top artists:
www.last.fm tracks what music you play with a Winamp or WMP plugin. Then it can group you with others who share your musical taste and recomend other bands in those genres. Also has streaming radio channels of your genre choice.
Music lovers, check this shit out. Kind of cool._______________________________________________________