~You can help by contacting your local PBS Station and asking their Programming Person for the shows to be aired. They (PBS) can contact Pappyland Fan Club at 1-877-727-5263
Pappy is currently in the process of producing a brand new Artventures show, which will be aired on PBS. Watch Pappy's web site for the latest information on airdates
Be sure to check out my website:
Dear Pappy-
I've always wanted to learn how to draw just like you! How do I do this? Please help!
Hello Dear Child-
Now all you have to do is try! Everyone is a artist at heart. Ever stroke is a stroke of genius, so keep up the good work!
Dear Pappy-
My parents don't let me paint. They always beat me and say "Don't get that damn paint on the carpet!!!". So instead I don't paint. I really want to paint. What should I do?
Hello Dear Child-
Instead of trying to paint on a carpet, try painting outside or not in a carpeted area of your house. We all know that paint doesn't come out of carpet! Or try taking an art class in school that involves painting. You'll love what you're doing, so you'll probably get a good grade in it too! Good Luck!
Any questions? Please message them to Pappy Drew-It!
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