Outdoors, all sorts of music, my pets, swimming, research of religion and its many outlets, outdoors, knowledge, 9/11 theories, history, especially of the Anglican civilizations, house renovation (update - I am now a LANDLORD), IKEA, cars, woodwork,did I mention outdoors?, architecture, writing about my interests, taking pictures, trying to take GOOD pictures, pretending that I can write well.
From 2006-10-01
All of my ancestors; Cate Blanchett; Bill Clinton; LIW; Vincent Van Gogh (although I WAS in his church); Helen Keller; Queen Elizabeths I and II and Martha Stewart, together for tea to discuss protestantism, Catholicism and the correct way to fold sheets; people from my past who I've lost over time; John Stewart; Amy Sedaris; David Sedaris; Dan Brown; Anne Frank; Ann Bancroft; Burt Bacharach; Ben Folds; Kurt Cobain; Moses, to ask him what those ridiculous laws were all about; Eva Peron, to see if she was sincere; Fidel Castro; whoever invented the CD (why didn't you put it in a permanent casing so it wouldn't get scratched???); Dyan Fosse; the Pope, to test his infallibility; and someone to love forever who is honest, faithful, funny, practical, adventurous, and doesn't CHEAT!
Ben Folds, Stereolab, the Beatles, Jamiroquai, Madonna, Stone Temple Pilots, Chopin, Holst, Garth Brooks, the Police, Maritime, Goldfinger, Bad Religion, Green Day, Enya-when I'm in that mood, Semisonic, Burning Airlines, the Dismemberment Plan, Rufus Wainwright, Elliot Smith, Cyndi Lauper, Neil Diamond, The Mamas and the Papas, The Fray, Ween, Michael Andrews, Save Ferris, any performer/band who can write their own songs and then perform them too, the music of William Walton, Gustav Holst, Respighi, among others; DCI; anything that strikes my ear in a good way. I love my XM.
I seldom can sit through a whole movie, because I am a restless monster. Muriel's Wedding, I could be a Star Wars Freak, Beautiful Thing, Little Miss Sunshine, and more but I'm too tired to think of them. My favorite childhood movies are Bedknobs and Broomsticks, The Goonies, Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.
I don't watch TV anymore. I have one show I watch - The Office - which I can watch online. I used to have $85 cable until I realized that I watched about an hour of it per month, but had to work almost a whole shift to pay for a month. Now I don't even have a tee-vee, and that's - ok.
Nellie Oleson is my hero
Anything with pictures, due to my bad ADD. I love any kind of informational books (toilet reading type), biographies, maps, National Geographic - type coffee table books. Shakespeare, the writings of/about Laura Ingalls Wilder; The Boxcar Children, the Roald Dahl books, the writings of Christopher Durang, Bill Bryson.
Anyone who bases their vote on their entire conscience, rather than on just one single issue. To have a hero is to idealize someone, which is just a bad idea in general. Kick me if you want. I DO look up to people. The people who I admire are the ones that can live non-invasive lives without impacting everyone else except in a decent, good way. Pass on your happiness. God, how I long for the simple life......instead of just being plain simple.....huh?