A-lizza profile picture


I am here for Networking

About Me

I believe in following my heart even when it is the most painful path. I am a high school art teacher and dance team coach because I believe that self-expression keeps us human and broadens our perspectives. Even when I come home hating the day, I gain solace in knowing that I possibly made an impact in the life of one of my students.Although I love watching soap operas, life should not imitate art. Real life is too short for backstabbing and unbelievable drama, so save it for One Life to Live. Or Passions. Watch these and realize how stupid life really is when you make a big deal about little slights people made in the past. Let it go, and realize how much easier life is when you stop worrying about it and live your life the way you have planned, and not the way others want you to be.The choices we make, dictate the life we lead. This above all to thine own self be true.

My Interests

Myspace Codes

I'd like to meet:



Imelda de la Cruz, Portishead, Erasure


Timeline, My Name is Asher Lev, Harry Potter, Haroun and the Sea of Stories