time with my friends..the DH experience..live music..rum and coke..laughing at idiotic situations and at myself...
anyone that can make me laugh
Robert Johnson, Led Zepplin, Hendrix, Rolling Stones,Creedence, Cream, Santana, Al Green, Otis Redding, James Brown, Tom Petty, Bob Dylan, Bob Marley, Phyllis Dillon, The Selecter, The Body Snatchers, The Toasters, Bad Manners, English Beat-General Public, Pixies,Frank Black, The Descendents, Fugazi, Nofx, The Cure, Siouxsie, The Damned, The Cramps, The Clash, The Ghastly Ones, The Huntington Cads, The Volcanics, and more I cant think of now...
two most beautiful women on t.v. ever-Yvonne De Carlo and Carolyn Jones-don't watch much t.v. but Conan makes me laugh
a I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
the people who always put up with me Microbrew is fun if you're with someone tall enough to create shade.... too many zimas...