Lucy laLOCA profile picture

Lucy laLOCA

lucy la loca..... blow'n amps... from korea to france... ha ha, thanks stevie

About Me

Who Me?!? Well, what could I possibly say?!? I'm just a clown in a girl suit... don't get me wrong though... I'm not the witty fast talk'n, think on my toes, smart ass come-back kinda gal.... no, not me. It's more like the trip over air, run into walls, oops I fell sorta entertainment! Add a few giggles and some snorts and that's me in a nutshell!

My Interests

bassist, artist, model

I'd like to meet:

You, YOu, YOU!


i love
rock 'n roll

Get this video and more at

I'm not limited to Rock'N Roll... There are plenty who inspire me, for instance my dear friend J.A.M.O.N & his infectious bass beats...


we've got nothing better to do,
than watch t.v. & have a couple of brews.
everybody's gonna hang out here tonight, alright.
we'll pass out on the couch alright... tonight.
we've got nothing better to do,
than watch t.v. & have a couple of brews.
don't talk about anything else, we don't want to know.
we're dedicated to our favorite shows.
we sit glued to the t.v. all night, and every night.
why go into the outside world at all, it's such a fright.
we've got nothing better to do,
than watch t.v. & have a couple of brews.
t.v. news shows what it's like out there, it's a scare.
you can go out, if you want, we wouldn't dare!
we've got nothing better to do,
than watch t.v. & have a couple of brews.
don't talk about anything else, we don't want to know.
we're dedicated to our favorite shows.
i wouldn't be without my t.v. for a day, or even a minute!
i don't bother to use my brain anymore, there's nothing left in it.
wait a minute, my t.v. set doesn't work. it's broken!
what are we gonna do tonight. this isn't fair.
we're hurtin'! we've got nothing left to do.
left with no t.v., just a couple of brews.
what are we gonna talk about, i don't know.
we're gonna miss our favorite shows.
no t.v. party tonight.


Make your own Banner here!



My Blog


It has been a little over a year since the world had lost a very dynamic and charasmatic person. He was a new friend who passed away suddenly, a week after our first tattoo session on my arm. The ...
Posted by Lucy laLOCA on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 06:45:00 PST

Tito & Tarantula Video Clips 2007 Tour

please enjoy a few more TITO & TARANTULA video clips.. ...
Posted by Lucy laLOCA on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 09:37:00 PST

LUCY LUSCIOUS 2006 - 2007

see me as Miss June in 2007 Lucky Betties Calendar --> ARE YOU FEELING LUCKY?!GET A CALENDAR HERE.....Just $10 each, they are going fast kats and kittens!COPY CODE BELOW:>MISS ATOMIC BOM...
Posted by Lucy laLOCA on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 12:49:00 PST


THANK YOU!!  ...
Posted by Lucy laLOCA on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 11:51:00 PST

17 ain't sucha lonely number!

So Awesome! Not bad, number 17 out of approx. 240 or so profiles! THANKS EVERYONE!! Subject: Did you make the Top 30 in November?!Here are our Top 30 viewed pages during November 2006 (up to 7.00 p....
Posted by Lucy laLOCA on Sun, 03 Dec 2006 08:04:00 PST

Sugar & Spice and everything oh-so wicked....

YAY!!! Thank you to the S&S models who voted for me & adding me amoung the gorgeous gals of Sugar & Spice PinUps! KISSES dID=61005363&blogID...
Posted by Lucy laLOCA on Sat, 30 Sep 2006 02:57:00 PST

little lucy

hello my devoted blog readers! well, in my drunken silliness of the night before, i came to this realization that perhaps my profile on myspace puts on a face that perhaps isn't clearly me so, i thoug...
Posted by Lucy laLOCA on Sat, 08 Jul 2006 12:50:00 PST