PulseEight brings exciting known and unknown labels, bands and songwriters to the world of film & TV.
We've placed music in Commercials, Blockbuster features, TV shows... you name it.
We've been in the industry for quite some time and know the who, what, where and how's.
Our mission is simple: find the right song, put it in the right hands and make the right deal.
If you want to be part of the PulseEight family, feel free to contact us. You can send us your CD catalog, email us some of your songs or simply a link to your site. We promise we'll find the time you deserve and check out your music.
PulseEight is constantly working on many projects. Each one of them with its own musical needs.
Sometimes we have what we need already in our roster and sometimes we may send out bulletins with what we're looking for... all you have to do is READ it and make SURE you fit the bill. We'll check out your music and contact you back if you make the cut.
The best part is that there are no exclusive binding contracts... you simply guarantee PulseEight that you own all the rights to your catalog and you authorize us to shop it around.
PulseEight takes care of the rest.
So, what are you doing about licensing your music?
Come to PulseEight... You have absolutely nothing to loose.
Feel the Pulse and follow it.