Erin, Film, visual art, music, philosophy, theatre, soccer, coffee, cooking food, eating food, drinking beer, goats, crosswords, sudoku, and, of course, Erin.
Friends, old and/or new
Ir, Decembrists, Sixteen Horsepower, PJ Harvey, R.E.M. (the old stuff, anyway), Johnathan Richman, The Modern Lovers, Pixies...
Dark City, Life Aquatic, Royal Tannenbaums, Taxi Driver, Easy Rider, Citizen Kane, Blade Runner, The Usual Suspects, Pulp Fiction, Get Shorty, The Player...
Scrubs, Lost, Frontline, My Name is Earl, the Office, POV, Boston Leagle...
Anything by Terry Pratchet, philosophy or art, philosophy of religion, Wittgenstein's later stuff (and commentary about), history of the middle east, cookbooks...
My folks (no, really...!)