Abstract Expressionism, Amusement Parks, Aquariums, Art Cars, Beaches, Body Art, Carlos Mensia, Carnivals, Cartoons, Comic Books, Corsets, Dancing, Dog Beaches, Dress-Up, Earth Conservation, Eccentric Characters, Eccentricity, Festivals, Fire Events, Flowers, GameWorks, Gypsy Travels, Halloween, Hardware (movie), Heartless Bitches, History, Lightening, Mel Brooks Movies, Misadventures, Malediction Society, Moon Shadows, Museums, Mythology, Naturopathy, Oldies & Stage Musicals, .. Surfing, Organic Foods, People Watching, Photography, Pirates, Ra Salvador Books, Recycled Art, Reptiles, Self Discovery, Self Expression, Self Improvement, Self Indulgence, Tattoos, The Smell Of Rain, Theater, Thrift Stores, Thunder, Travel, Trivia, Walking, Warm Rain, Weeping Willows, Wild Life Encounters, Writing
New people with similar interests. Liars, whiners, bullshiters, victims and shallow drama queens & kings need not email me.
I listen to several different types of music. Cajun, Rockabilly, Industrial, Pirate shanties, Classic Rock, Drum Fusion, drumming circles, Musicals, 80’s,Classical industrial, goth fusion and classical though I know nothing about classical music.
X-Men, V For Vendetta, Phantom Of the Opera, Les Mes, Hardware, Xanadu, Time Bandits, Sin City and almost any Science Fiction Fantasy movie
I wait until the best shows are on DVD and than watch them back to back. Most tv shows suck.
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Almost any book by RA Salvador & Gaimen, Once Upon an Enchanted Time, Tuesdays With Mory, Under The Fang, The Ultimate dragon, Jack, the giant-killer, drink Down The Moon, Beauty : a novel, Don't Count On The Prince, Water : tales of elemental spirits, American Nomad, The novels of Tiger and Del. Green Grass, Running Water,
Donald Trump, Angelina Joli, Marget Cho