film making, film production, TV, movies, series, sitcoms, animation, acting, nutrition, healthy living, green homes, alcohol, saints, sinners, angels, demons, devils, future technology, laws of power, laws of attraction, bdsm, being naked, being open, bondage, bouncing, bubble bath, burningman, civil rights, cuddling, pirates, ninjas, cunnilingus, dancing, dreams, drinking, flirting, food, free will, friends, perfection, chaos, chaos theory, fear, joy, rain, sunlight, peace, war, life, death, girls, good friends, government, greek mythology, having my neck kissed, history, history of sex, hormones, hugs, human sexuality, iron chef, kindness, working out, kisses, kissing, kundalini, laughter, learning, revenge, forgiveness, literature, looking at clouds, lust, magic, magick, massage, meditation, music, mythology, nakedparts, naps, natural redheads, nipples, lost tribes, inventions, technology, ancient cultures, prmivitive peoples, nudity, ocean, orgasms, philosophy, photography, pictures, piercings, playing, poetry, video production, video viewing, video editing, film editing, new bands, new ideas, green planet, promiscuity, psychology, public nudity, random thoughts, reading, red-heads, redheads, religion, religions, ren faire, renaissance faire, renfaire, role playing, seduction, tarot, self analyzing, self expression, self improvement, sensuality, sex, sex magick, sexuality, skinny dipping, sluts, snuggling, sociology, solitude, solitute in a crowd, inner peace, spirituality, star trek, star wars, staring at the sea, sushi, swimming, symbolism, talking to myself, tattoos, the beach, the ocean at night, the shore, you, the tide, theatre, theology, thinking, Las Vegas, Hollywood, tickling, travelling, vegan, vegan girls, video games, wandering, women, world domination, world peace, world bank, world leaders, world politics, world religion, writing, zombies, zodiac, my friends, underground music, underground lifestyle, afterparties, laughing til it hurts, meeting cool new people, nature's medicines, expanding my mind, learning about myself, things that go fast, animals, driving, listening to good music, laying in bed, listening to the rain fall, understanding my dreams, moments of clarity, Existence, Exotic Foods, Knowledge, Tantra, humanity, physics, intelligence, Truth, Compassion, honesty
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