d~° profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am me, though I can always be better at it. I'm definitely not good at some things, but definitely good at some. I love pictures. Life is beautiful. Fragile, but beautiful. I'd freeze moments if I could, so some things could stay the same. I am sentimental, impulsive, and, at times, as a friend put it; a 'sensitive little tulip.' I'm not easily scared. I like sugar. I don't eat cucumber. I sleep well when I know I've done something good. Sparkling water. I'm a good friend. Loyal, I have an opinion about most things, and sometimes, I'm the one who gets the joke the last. Sometimes, I find something funny that someone else might not find. Music. Surprises. I'm a perfectionist. Quiet sometime, but I'll speak up if I care. I care. I like most people. Mostly, I like people who want to make a difference. Life is too short to wait for things to happen. Things happen all the time. Good things. I believe in the good in people. It's an art to forgive, but I am sure that some things we are given, and some things we can learn. I want to learn the most important things. I love the sun, I'm thankful for what I've got. My heart beats. Dance!
Check out the pictures at UNDIRBEAT, yeah!

My Interests

creativity, art, photography, graphics, music, dancing, knitting, painting, piano, poetry, a cup of tea with a friend, family, shopping, travelling, fashion, fresh air, the sky, the sun, the stars, snow, wither, summer, a good cry, a good laugh, my love, when it makes me smile :)

I'd like to meet:

Love. Inspiration. Interest. Passion. Beauty. A good beat. God, Jesus and Bono.
You, on an empty street. Me, on a busy one.

'Later that day I got to thinking about relationships. There are those that open you up to something new and exotic, those that are old and familiar, those that bring up lots of questions, those that bring you somewhere unexpected, those that bring you far from where you started, and those that bring you back. But the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous.'


Electro · dance · house · easy listening · indie · ambient · alternative · reggaeton · pop · rock · 80's · 90's · lounge · latin · Undirbeat


I always cry for chick-flicks. I like fairytale hollywood movies, but don't like british crime inspector who-was-it-now. Sometimes the company is much more important than the movie itself. Seeing it in a theatre is nice. I only watch a scary movie in good company, never alone. A chick-flick is better in a small crowd, though.


Desperate Housewives, Sex and the City, Gray's Anatomy, QTV, The Bacholor, documentaries. Drama queen. Sue me.


Douglas Coupland and Paulo Coalho are two of my favorites. Anything but crime novels.


Abbi, Bono, and a few others of the 'one-of-a-kind' creative people.

My Blog


So eg gangiog tú gongurveginallan veginhandan veginvit vistu við vissufór at vendaveginokkara hjørtuthey bankaog bankaog venda og snaraá vegumokkara vegumteir vendasær afturvit gangaímótisannleikanumo...
Posted by d~° on Mon, 09 Jun 2008 01:49:00 PST

With or without you, smiley face!

With or without you, smiley face!It's funny how people reach instinctively to others.Like, when I look at you, you look away.Like, when, you know, we were pretty much friends, and now we're not.Like, ...
Posted by d~° on Tue, 06 May 2008 04:16:00 PST

It’s all the same. I just can’t promise anything.

Life. Such a big word. And I can't sleep. I just can't. I won't. I promised myself that I would do it. But I can't. See, I promise things. But I can't keep. It keeps repeating, and I don't know why.Wh...
Posted by d~° on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 07:54:00 PST

Every Time I Give In

Give In by Tina Dico Give in to your confusion There's no good in hiding Why you're unusual Leave it behind, then change your mind Take what you find, it will be good enough Too young to be heros Too ...
Posted by d~° on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 03:14:00 PST

Ein yrking

Tú ert til eg hugsaði eina løtu um tað tú segði og so hugsaði eg tað er ikki altíð so lætt tað er ikki fyrrenn onkur hyggir at tær við eini sjóneyku at hann sær at tú ert ikki so sum tú segði at tú ...
Posted by d~° on Sun, 24 Sep 2006 07:24:00 PST

Hamburg Song

I just realized what beautiful song this 'Hamburg Song' is. It's a new song by Keane, which I totally got printed in my mind. I have this picture in my mind of a beautiful wedding, walking up the isle...
Posted by d~° on Sat, 24 Jun 2006 09:16:00 PST

GOD is a DJ

Ok, so this is my first blog. Blogblog-bloggediblog. Just kidding. I always find it interesting reading other interesting people blog, so hopefully some of this blah blah will make, hopefully, some of...
Posted by d~° on Wed, 07 Jun 2006 03:06:00 PST