Sia, Jose Gonzales, Bob Dylan, the beach boys ha ha ha, Elvis's Always on my mind. Scott Matthews, Leave the capital, Jeff Buckley, Joni Mitchell, the La's There she goes, Kylie! Johnny Cash, Lamb, Damien Rice, Bjork, Anything that used to be in my Mum and Dad'd record collection in the 1960s and 70s. Goldfrapp, my friend Anna when she sings! I love playing gigs with Anna! He he he. London Electricty lately. Did I mention Kylie?
Blondie, Call Me
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Anything by Margaret Atwood; really love Perfume by Patrick Suskind about a guy in Paris who has the most amazing nose in the world and murders women for their scent. He makes perfume. Tess of the D'Urbervilles. I love D.H Lawrence and Lady Chatterly's Lover. Anything that causes a scandel. Anais Nin. I love T.S. Eliot's The Waste Land; modern and postmodern poetry. I am really intersted in postructuralism and deconstruction: de Saussure. Now i sound like a geek.
This is my little sis!