Mr. ZEN profile picture


Wrestling Commentator and Burrito Aficionado

About Me

I'm the Zen Master. I live in Michigan. I'm recently married. I write. I call matches for wrestling. I laugh at farts and people falling down.As mentioned, I do wrestling commentary for a company called Marquee Wrestling Home Video .Promotions I've done commentary for include: Border City Wrestling (BCW) Michigan Marquee Wrestling Association (MMWA) Marquee Wrestling Prime Time Wrestling (PTW) Ultimate Championship Wrestling (UCW) Championship International Wrestling (CIW) Independent Wrestling Revolution (IWR) NWA No Limits (a.k.a. No Limits Wrestling) Insane Wrestling Federation (IWF) Revolution Championship Wrestling (RCW) (a.k.a. NWA Revolution) Wolverine Pro Wrestling (WPW) Action Packed Wrestling (APW)I also did play-by-play commentary for Steve Corino's AWA title win last year over Takao Omori. The match was presented on Mr. Corino's website.It's been a lot of fun, and I've had the opportunity to meet a lot of great people. You can find DVD's with my voice on them on Marquee Wrestling Home Video 's website and at Ring of Honor 's marketplace under "Border City DVD's."I like using Myspace to keep up with the people in the wrestling biz I've had the pleasure of meeting and working with over the years. I also like meeting new people in the biz...who knows, I may call your match someday! I like meeting and hearing new bands. I like meeting other writers and creators from the comic world. It's just a big ol' company picnic here on Myspace. I also like pie.I do the IM thing sometimes. For fun only. No drama. No controversy. I'll talk comics, wrestling, movies, whatever. I can be found at: AIM as "samuraiofzen" Yahoo Messenger as "cactusturtle"

My Interests

My wife, writing, zen buddhism, martial arts, wrestling, movies, food, love, and all associated with those...

I'd like to meet:

Spider-Man.We could have a Team-Up.

My Extended Family
I have a plethora of friends.

Whitey Bell

Sign Guy Joe



"Old Timer" Jeff King

Quazi Rockstar


Mr. Andy


Amazing N8



Jimmy Jacobs

Bubba MacKenzie






Eddie Venom

Colt Cabana





lark - t.h.e. Modfather


God Nightshade

Steve Corino

Jade Chung

See All My Fun Friends

I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!


Anything that makes me imagine. Seriously...I don't play favorites.


Shaun Of The Dead, Big Trouble In Little China, Dawn Of The Dead (both), Brotherhood Of The Wolf, Equilibrium, The Matrix, BASEketball, Orgazmo, Versus, Kill Bill Vol. 1, X-Men (and sequels), Spider-Man (and sequels), Unbreakable, and many, many more...


Mystery Science Theater 3000, Red Dwarf, Absolutely Fabulous, Heroes, Lost, Coupling (UK), Forensic Files, The Prisoner, Twin Peaks, Adult Swim, Twilight Zone, Seinfeld, Bosom Buddies


I've had a fascination with comic books as valid storytelling for years, as well as other forms of the written word. Some examples:Comic books: Planetary, The Authority, JSA, JLA, Superman/Batman, Exiles, Captain America, Ultimate X-Men, Ultimate Spider-Man, Amazing Spider-Man, Ultimate Fantastic Four, The Ultimates, Wolverine, Astonishing X-Men, The Infinite Crisis books, Civil War, Supreme Power, Thunderbolts, Y: The Last Man, The Walking Dead, Invincible, The Punisher, and various others here and there.Other books: "The Stand" by Stephen King, "The Shining" by King, "Night Shift" by King, "The Bachman Books" by Richard Bachman (aka Stephen King), "Neverwhere" by Neil Gaiman, "Stardust" by Gaiman, "Smoke And Mirrors" by Gaiman, "Phantoms" by Dean R. Koontz, "Lightning" by Koontz, "The Zombie Survival Handbook" by Max Brooks, "Tao Te Ching" by Lao Tzu, and various others...


Oh, different people for different reasons: my wife Maeglin, Jim Hall, Sign Guy Joe and Mrs. Sign Guy, Scott D'Amore, Mick Foley, Gordon Solie, Trey Parker & Matt Stone, Alan Moore, Stan Lee, real-life heroes who save lives and fight injustice, and whoever reports the first zombie outbreak.

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My Blog

Much Ado About Captain America

OK, here's my take on this...As many of you have probably read, the mainstream media has been reporting the "death of Captain America" in the comic book world.  I'm sure, just like with the death...
Posted by Mr. ZEN on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 10:26:00 PST

MMWA Where Are They Now?

(I wrote this for a Michigan indy wrestling info site, and thought I'd share it with my MySpace comrades...enjoy, if you will.)Since the Michigan Marquee Wrestling Association (formerly, the Mid-Michi...
Posted by Mr. ZEN on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 09:20:00 PST

Lay Off, I'm Starving

Who knew I had so many FMW tapes?  Atsushi Onita vs. Leon Spinks is surreal, man. "Thank You For Smoking" was really funny. This TV station could probably last a week or two in the zombie invasio...
Posted by Mr. ZEN on Sat, 03 Mar 2007 11:56:00 PST

I'm So Going To Eat Here

Posted by Mr. ZEN on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 10:15:00 PST

Haiku Mania

I can sit for hours and read the random haikus that pop up on this site.  Especially when I hit "scrambled haiku" several times.Turn down the lights, and put on some meditative music.  Here ...
Posted by Mr. ZEN on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 12:58:00 PST

See, I Remember How To Write A Blog

Yeah, so I'm lazy-ish.  On with the news... --I recently found some writing outlets, just in time for the creative supernova that exploded behind my eyes just about this time last week.  Som...
Posted by Mr. ZEN on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 08:20:00 PST

2006 Stuff That Went On

I'm going to do like all the cool kids are doing and write a little "year in review"-ish blog-o-matic. *Biggest event of the year:  Getting married!  Damn straight!  Thanks to my beauti...
Posted by Mr. ZEN on Sat, 30 Dec 2006 11:09:00 PST

Happy Everything To Everyone!

Woooo!No matter who you are, or what you believe, I wish all of you and all of your families and loved ones the absolute BEST of holidays.  I mean all of you from my closest friends here to peopl...
Posted by Mr. ZEN on Sun, 24 Dec 2006 01:37:00 PST

It's The Moooost Wonderful Tiiiiiime Of The Year...

"It''s going too fast...I'm gonna barf..."  Will Ferrell skit for you know, the one with the spinning pedastal. The holidays are here, and the shopping is almost done.  My...
Posted by Mr. ZEN on Mon, 18 Dec 2006 07:46:00 PST

Comics-Related "Space" Place

I was referred to an up-and-coming site by Warren Ellis' e-mail notifications, to which I subscribe.  Sort of a "MySpace for comics people." ComicSpace I'm there under "zenmasterdod," so all my c...
Posted by Mr. ZEN on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 08:28:00 PST