Reading, Writing and Arithmetics (sp)
I'd like to meet people that aren't afraid. lurkers. individuals that dont hide behind 'friends only' or 'prefered' lists. people that put i before e, after c.
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Anything that stimulates in a positive way...Check out this Jill Scott/Roots video from you tube. Press play.
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Anything that evokes a full-range of emotions...
Anything that matches my mood in that particular moment...
Get Your Own! | View SlideshowAnything well-written...Poetry Critiquing Tools...Hey, here's some helpful critiquing tools that are not all technical and 'over the top'..."The Poets Dictionary" by William Packard...OPENING OF POEM: Is poem titled or untitled? Does title seem apt? Does poem have strong enough opening? Do first few lines establish appropriate tone? Would any later part of poem make a better opening?...SIGHT DEVICES: Are there enough specific image details in poem? Are the metaphors and similes apt? Do any figures or concepts need further development? Are any sections of poem weak in visual images?...SOUND DEVICES:Is there any strong assonance--vowel sounds? Is there any strong alliteration--consonant sounds? Any problem with scansion of rhythm in poem? Anything special about texture of sound in poem?...SENSE DEVICES: What is voice or persona or point of view in poem? Is diction consistent? Any odd word choices? Is syntax appropriate? Sentence structuring? Is diction consistent? Any odd word choices? Is syntax appropriate? Sentence structuring? What is totality of tone in poem?...CLOSURE OF POEM: Do last few lines seem right for ending of poem? Does the closure seem artificial or overwritten? Could poet get out of poem in any better way? Should poem be left suspended, with no closure?...PLACEMENT ON PAGE: Do the line breaks seem right? Enjambments? Does poem have left-hand capitals? Why? Or why not? Can any punctuation in poem be stripped away? Could line placements be arranged in any better way?...GENERAL OBSERVATIONS: Can this poem be tightened in any way? Is there any rhetoric, generality, abstract words? Could any parts of poem be developed more? More proper names, place names, concrete particulars? They also say "the best criticism is always description."
Life lessons...Souls who have loved me whole, and not compartmentalized me or placed me in boxes of convenience. And, those who have not loved me whole, and those who have compartmentalized me or placed me in boxes of convenience...Those who battle me for securities and insecurities.