{Vive La Claire} profile picture

{Vive La Claire}

If there is no dancing at the revolution, I'm not coming (Emma Goldman)

About Me

I created my own profile using nUCLEArcENTURy.COM and you should too!A wise girl kisses, but doesn't love,listens, but doesn't believe, and leaves before she is left (Marylin Monroe)This is the trailer of Michael Radford's latest feature film starring Demi Moore, Michael Caine and Lambert Wilson. I'm playing Demi Moore's secretary...

My Interests

"I'll tell you this... No eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn." (Jim Morrison)

I'd like to meet:

my imaginary friend! where have you gone, dude???


everything that makes my hips go whoopee whoopee!


Pulp Fiction, A bout de souffle, Touch of Evil, Subway, In the Mood for Love, Mullholland Drive, Stranger than Paradise, Die bitteren Tränen der Petra von Kant, Lost in Translation, Fallen Angels... in general most films by Jim Jarmusch, Pedro Almodovar, Wong Kar Wai, Federico Fellini, Ingmar Bergmann, David Lynch


Twin Peaks,Absolutely Fabulous, Smack the Pony, Prison Break, 24, Desperate Housewives, Heroes, Men behaving Badly, Les Liaisons dangereuses


Le Petit Prince, Faire l'amour, Catcher in the Rye... books by Milan Kundera, Boris Vian, Amelie Nothomb, Rainer Maria Rilke, Federico Garcia Lorca


my aunt Elisabeth

My Blog


Synopsis:She.He.It est un film qui traite de la famille, de l'amiti.. et de l'amour. C'est ..galement un film sur l'hypocrisie et l'id..e que tout le monde est votre pire ennemi. Tous les caract..res ...
Posted by {Vive La Claire} on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 01:47:00 PST

ZACLAMA! back in Luxembourg

On July 8th Paris based theatre troup Compagnie ZACLAMA! will be back in Luxembourg. This time Marion Denys and I are joined by French actor/deviser Emmanuel Cornubet who has extensively worked in the...
Posted by {Vive La Claire} on Thu, 06 Jul 2006 02:07:00 PST