"I am only one; but still I am one.
I cannot do everything, but still I can do something;
I will not refuse to do the something I can do." - Helen Keller
A man was walking down the beach and he saw another man way up ahead. As the first man came closer to the second man, he could see the second man throwing something into the ocean. When the first man approached he saw millions of starfish spread across the sandy beaches, and the second man was bending over and throwing some starfish back in the water. With the first man knowing that the starfish will die if they aren't in the water, and with SO MANY starfish on the beach, he asks the second man, "Sir, how could you possibly ever make a difference? There are just TOO many!" The second man bends over, picks up a starfish, throws it back into the ocean and says, "It made a difference to that one."
I think there is so much to learn from this simple story. First off, how great is our joy when we are able to help but one person in their life. Secondly, not one person can change the world as a whole for the better. But if one person were to do their part, and another person, and another, then enough people doing such a tiny bit can add up to be a whole lot. I've already added some great people and profiles to my friends list, some about different diseases, some about the current genocides. I beg you to take a look and at least become aware of the problems throughout the world. You don't need to know everything, because I only know but a small bit, but the worst way to live a life is to live in ignorance. Spread the word!
"Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things
which matter least."
~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German author, poet and scientist,
"Just as the capacity to defer gratification is a sign
of real maturity, likewise the willingness to wait for deferred explanation
is a sign of real faith and of trust spread over time."