ToA's current project is the filming and production of a film capturing the lives of the poor in Kenya, based for two months in an orphanage in the Ngong Hills known as the Huruma Children's Home. The film will illustrate the lives of the AIDS orphans in Huruma, reveal the vast poverty which exists around Nairobi, contain interviews with Nairobi government officials, show the famine in the South as well as visiting Turkana and Kakuma in the North. We'll also be covering American/International efforts (ex. missions groups) which are also present in Kenya.Our goal: to show the world that their tears are real.Subprojects include: Pen-pals to Huruma - video for children
1)His excellency, President Mwai Kibaki.
2)Peter Singer, philosopher.
3)Disney's Robin Hood.
Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth Series
Laren, Bobby, and Jason.