Pedro Almodovar, Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz (it never said anything about them being alive), Mick Foley, George A. Romero, Frank Robinson, Bill Hinzman, Terry Funk, Sparky Anderson, John Woo, Melinda Dolittle, Arn Anderson, Rowdy Roddy Piper, Mike Schmidt, Tina Fey, The Sandman, The Undertaker, Hayabusa, Chow Yun Fat, Shakira, El Hijo del Santo, Akinori Otsuka, and of course, Cecilia Roth
Tejano, the 80's, and soundtracks that take me back to films I remember
My Top 5: 1. The Killer 2. Re-Animator 3. A Clockwork Orange 4. Blue Velvet 5. Amelie
The Shield, Chuck (which is quickly becoming the greatest show ever), House, Journeyman, Cane, Kitchen Nightmares (American or British, the greatest reality show ever), The Office, Moonlight, Nip/Tuck, Rescue Me, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Ghosthunters, Big Love, The Wire, Weeds, 30 Rock, Dr. Phil (don't laugh), Heroes, Dexter, NCIS, American Idol and whatever else my wife makes me watch. In Memoriam: Oz, The Sopranos, Deadwood, Rome, Veronica Mars, Extras
Pedro Almodovar, Silver Surfer, Stanley Kubrick, David Lynch, Bill Cosby, Kevin Spacey, Jerry Springer (stop laughing), Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, Cabeza de Vaca, Robin Williams, Peewee Reese, Jackie Robinson, Don Henley, Mick Foley, Frank Robinson, Terry Funk, Sparky Anderson, John Woo, Rowdy Roddy Piper, Mike Schmidt, Chris Benoit, The Sandman, The Undertaker, Tina Fey, Hayabusa, Chow Yun Fat, El Hijo del Santo, Octagon, and El Santo