Mare Crisium was formed in autumn 2005 with the declared purpose of playing Black Metal. Since then the band has been working on finding their own style, and the new demo is the result of this work. Mare Crisium will continue to experiment within the boundaries of the genre using the label Danish Black Metal. The band consists of a group of friends from the southern part of Denmark, who found together under the name Mare Crisium. Work is still continuing on the groups first set, and they expect to be stage ready in short time. The ideology in Mare Crisium states that the meaning of life lies in nature and in the nordic soul. The World is an empty and evil place where constant battle rages. Mare Crisium does not preach meaningless hatred towards other cultures, but seeks to describe the aggressive and melancholic feelings and moods that are present within each human being, and which are strengthened in cold and dark surroundings.
"Så dæmp jeres skrig
Og rejs jer atter
NÃ¥r kampen er vundet
Er der nye slag"
::Hil Kong Carsten, Compos Mentis, Michael Krikau, Christine Streit, kussen, Danny, Jesper J., Isar and everybody who have helped us.::
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