Fokin Drivers |
Got taken out by a metro salad tosser in a Cadillac last nite. Flew over the hood, banged my knee pretty well too. Bike needs new bars and a new wheel maybe.FUCKED HIS CAR UP! :-)For as much money a... Posted by Heelrod - Melon Head on Wed, 28 May 2008 07:47:00 PST |
Public Crappers |
So it's been a while. So I figured I would start off again with a winner.Have trouble droppin the kids off at the pool in a public crapper?Do what I do. Put on the MP3 player, crank it up and let it... Posted by Heelrod - Melon Head on Fri, 23 May 2008 06:47:00 PST |
The laundry room incident |
There is nothing wrong with putting your head in a dryer to keep the melon warm! You hear that you prissy apartment pant bitch!
It's totally acceptable! Posted by Heelrod - Melon Head on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 06:33:00 PST |
Rock Band |
So I've been playin Rock Band. I'm on the drums over at Jimbonics house. And I suck!Even on Easy setting I suck. Which is weird because I play the drums. The real drums, and yet I suck playing drum... Posted by Heelrod - Melon Head on Thu, 24 Jan 2008 06:50:00 PST |
Sabbath |
Ganked Mudhoney and Sabbath from Fella last nite.It's been awhile since I heard that Mudhoney album. They rocked.The trusses come for the studio today. Do chics shave their ears? I wonder. I bet th... Posted by Heelrod - Melon Head on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 05:40:00 PST |
Hyperactivity |
So Some of ya'll may know I'm a hyperactive child. I'm destructive, I'm too wild. Well let me tell all you would be mothers out there about hyperactive children. We rock! We're funny, smart, full ... Posted by Heelrod - Melon Head on Mon, 21 Jan 2008 06:50:00 PST |
Warmup |
Gotta type some stuff to warm up my hands to write a proposal for work.having a melon head and a stiff neck are not good things. Just the sheer weight of having to hold up a melon is tough. Try hold... Posted by Heelrod - Melon Head on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 05:49:00 PST |
Oh yea baby |
You can barely tell I gots hair on my back these days. Ya know why? Cuz I'm a Silver Back! Yea baby! gray backhair rules. I feel kinda like..................
Techn... Posted by Heelrod - Melon Head on Thu, 10 Jan 2008 11:54:00 PST |
What happened to Rock? |
So I was searching on yourspace for bands I used to see play in Austin back in the good ol days. Found El Flaco.
I used to bartend at the Electric Lounge back in the mid-late 90's and they used ... Posted by Heelrod - Melon Head on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 08:15:00 PST |
Things happen when you least expect it |
So since I've been back from China, I have had a hard time getting the water right for my tea's. gay I know, but using the tea pot on the stove makes it too hot. In beijing, you use water ... Posted by Heelrod - Melon Head on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 08:04:00 PST |