"Thought Provoking Survey" by: courcoo
1. Are people essentially good or essentially bad?
I think most people are essentially good, but I've met a few people along the way that are just kind of dark and empty inside. I feel bad for them.
2. When lots of things go wrong at once, how do you react? What goes on in your mind?
I get really still, try not to freak out, survey the situation, prioritize, and then do my best to get things under control.
3. What are some of the most important lessons you've learned about pain in your life?
If you try to avoid it or go around it, it will take you by the hand and walk beside you. The only way to get over it sometimes is to go through it.
4. If you could sum up your philosophy of life in a few sentences, what would it be?
Don't let society tell you how to live. Discover what you truly love and pursue it with your whole heart. You only get one life. Live it on your own terms.
5. If you had to explain why the world is the way it is to your children, what would you say?
because each individual person has needs and oftentimes one person's needs conflict with anothers
6. Do you believe things always turn out for the best?
Try running that line by anyone who's lost a child. Horrible, senseless things happen to good people all the time and sometimes it can never be made right. The trick to life is living in such a way that our hardships come to have some greater purpose ...so that they weren't for nothing.
7. What are you the most proud of about yourself and your life?
I always try to do my best and to be kind to people.
8. Do you procrastinate a lot of the time, much of the time, or not much at all?
I wouldn't say that I procrastinate. I always meet my deadlines, but I'm not one to rush about it, either.
9. What risks have you taken in your life? Have you avoided any?
Shut Up!!! I hate this question.
10. Are you usually on time or late for appointments?
I'm usually on time. Mornings are tough, though.
11. In what areas of your life would you say you are the most irresponsible(finances, health, returning phone calls)?
Laundry! I can never seem to catch up. My laundry room continually looks like the seventh circle of hell.
12. Do you consider yourself sensitive to other people's feelings?
I really, really do try to be but sometimes (OK, most of the time) I'm just kind of oblivious. You really need to be blunt with me.
13. What kinds of things do you feel are inherently wrong, and what wouldn't bother you?
I'm not bothered by anything that doesn't directly negatively affect me or someone that I love. I am bothered by anything that does: )
14. Do you think all is fair in love and war?
maybe in war, but love should be held to a higher standard.
15. Are you a saver or a spender?
If I had any money to save, I'd be a saver.
16. What is compatibility to you?
It's something that you know when you feel it. It goes beyond simply sharing likes and dislikes. It's more about being on the same frequency as another.
17. If you were in an argument/disagreement with a friend/spouse/family member, would you most likely be the one who yields, withdraws, compromises, wins or resolves?
Withdraw ...I avoid conflict at all costs ...not saying that it's healthy, but it's the truth.
18. If you inherited a large sum or money and could afford to live anywhere in the world, where would it be? What else would you do with the money?
Wherever I felt like that day. I would invest and fund some worthwhile charities.
19. What foods do you enjoy, and what are your feelings on eating healthy?
I eat enormous amounts of produce ...and not a whole lot else. I may be a picky eater, but, healthwise, I don't really have the luxury of complacency.
20. Do you believe in the saying, "Forgive and forget"? Why or why not?
I believe in the forgive part, but not so much the forget. What you forget you are doomed to repeat.
21. What book has changed your life? Why and How?
'Man's Search For Meaning', by Viktor Frankl. One quote: "Everything can be taken from a man or a woman but one thing: the last of human freedoms to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way. "
22. Do you think education is essential?
For me it is, but I don't necessarily believe that's true for everyone.
23. What are your ambitions for life?
Get my PhD, travel the world, have great adventures, create true and lasting peace on earth, win the Nobel Prize ...the usual stuff.
24. Do you see change as good or detrimental?
depends on the change, but in general I would choose change over stagnation.
25. There is a person begging for food, would you ignore them or give them some money for food?
I'd either give them money or give them food if I could.
26. Do opposites attracting ensure relationship success----your thoughts.
No. Being complementary in some ways is helpful, but you definitely have to have things in common as well. You have to be able to relate to the other person.
27. You really like a person, do you look them in the eyes or twiddle your thumbs and look at your feet? I look them in the eye.
28. You meet the parents for the first time and they disagree with something you are very passionate about, do you agree with them or keep quiet respecting their opinion?
I keep quiet and respect their opinion. They're entitled to their own opinions.
29. Who is the most important person in your life? Why?
You. because I love you:)
30. Is there someone who can make you angrier than anyone else in your life and how do they do that?
Not so much angry as exasperated. . .neverending stubborness.
31. What bores you? What never bores you?
reruns on tv. learning or doing anything new.
32. In order, what are your three strongest interests?
Traveling, Learning anything new, and Dancing
33. What makes you feel loved?
Being seen and appreciated for who I REALLY am, not for who someone would have me be.
34. You spill mustard on your plain white t-shirt at lunch, do you rush home to change it, use a shout-wipe to clean it, or ignore the spot and wear the shirt?
I'd run to the nearest store and buy a new one
35. Someone offers you a million dollars to read a long list of books in one year, the person is sure to include books that are opposite your general tastes, would you take them up on the offer?
What? As opposed to paying an assload of tuition so that I can read a long list of books year after year that I wouldn't otherwise read? Yeah, I think I'd take the money.
36. You are pregnant or your wife is pregnant, do you want to know the sex of the baby or be surprised?
For me, being pregnant would be surprise enough.
37. What is your number one pet peeve?
38. Would you date an atheist?
I believe that a persons relationship, or lack thereof, with God or religion is their own personal business and none of mine. So yes, I would date an atheist ...although my husband might mind: ).
39. Could you go a week without brushing your teeth?
Eeeeewww, Gross?!?!
40. Someone confesses a wrong against you, you respond how?
I thank them for their honesty, commend them on their courage and then let it go.
41. You are told to gather a duffle bag of items for an extended stay on a secluded island without any modern conveniences or contact with the outside world, what would you bring?:
a satellite dish, a generator, and a collapsible windmill: ) j/k I guess I'd bring stuff to read, write/draw with, play with, one of those crank powered radio/cd players, mix cds, a lighter, a swiss army knife, an inflatable mattress, Bear Grylls ...and a volleyball named Wilson
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