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Name Stu
Nicknames The Claw, Stoo, Smartarse, and errr.....I would like to say Big Rod! but its not true...sigh!
What would you change your name to Big Rod definately
Birthplace Liverpool
Current Location Leeds
if you could go anywhere now, where would it be Canada for some snowboarding joys!!
Favourite meal At the moment.....Chlli!!
Favourite alcoholic drink Rum, gonger beer and lime!! yummy!!
Favourite Drug Weed gotta be!!
Favourite Song to dance to Super sharp shooter, Higher state of consciousness or black betty!!
Favourite Song to album to chill out to Dub side of the moon
Favourite musician to shag to Massive attack
Current favourite musician/group S-club juniors......kidding!! probably either skatalites, kooks, barrington levy, or mad prof (what i've been listening to for the past week)
Current favourite album Radiodread
What song is in your head now Bloody sound of the underground by Girls Aloud as my saddo housemate is playing it very loud in the room above......i will have revenge!!
How many Tattoos do you have and what are they Nope....not yet anyway!!
How many piercings do you have, and where Nope.....wait does my ass count?!
Who is your best mate I have lots
If you could have super powers what would they be Water into wine!! that jesus was onto something i tell ya!!
What six things couldn't you live without Music, food, good times, family and friends
What is your favourite pub Probably Chemic at the mo
What is your favourite club West indian centre or mint club
What is your idea of a good night out One you remeber 3 days later and it puts a smile on your face!!
What is your idea of a good night in see above
What kind of people irritate you Idiots, morons, right wing daily mail reading mob, axe murderers and anyone hell bent on destroying music!! (Cowell i'm looking at you)
What do you hate the most Life when its dull and trying its best to break your spirit
What song would you play at your wedding divorce by dolly parton
What song would you play at your funeral living in a box by talking heads
Do you Love or hate Marmite Love it
Are you Allergic to nuts Only the man love kind
What is your favourite cartoon Family guy
What is your favourite t.v comedy errr dunno probably the above
What newspaper do you buy Independent, Mirror (I knwo I know) and sometimes the gaurdian
What do you do for a living Office monkey, part time DJ and general smartarse
What hobbies/passions do you have Music, Good times, And good friends
What are you wearing You coming onto me?! you kniky devil.....
What do you want to wear Hotpants.....crap did i say that out loud?!
Favourite sexual position Doggy
If you could sleep with anyone, who would it be At the moment ....kate moss but only cause she looks like she goes like the clappers
what five famous people (alive or dead) would you have at a dinner party Jim morrison, Bill Hicks, Karl Marx, and Jim Belushi (interesting party conversation) oh yeah and Kate Moss for after dinner party naughtyness yay!!
If you could fight anyone (alive or dead), who would it be Bush obviously......I'd kick him in the fanny sooooo hard!!
who is your favourite fictional character Homer! Homer! Hoimer!
If you could be any animal what would it be Cat.....what a life!!
If you had a deamon (from, 'his dark materials' trilogy) what would it be. Well i suppose if i sad enough to be filling in this survey your right in assuming i'm also sad enough to know what the hell it is your talking about!!
what is the most embarrasing thing to happen to you Singing 'Perfect Moment' to the cast of emerdale in a church (Don't ask!)
what is the worst thing you've said after/during or before sex Thanks!! (learnt my lesson don't worry!)
what is the rankest thing you've ever thought Trust me you dont wanna know.....
In a perfect partner
Hair colour Brunett or redhead......come to think of it blonds nice to....sigh!!
Eye colour Blue would be good
Nationality Oriental....yum!!
3 Physical attributes you'd look for eyes, ass, rack (what can i say!!)
4 Personality traits You'd look for Good sense of humour, Sense of adventure, smart and interesting
What music would they like Music in general
how old would they be errr dunno if i say 19 im a creepy old man if i say 45 im wayne rooney so somewhere in between
Would you rather them to be cleverer or thicker than you Neither
What would turn you off any person Boring, stuck in thier ways.....just dull in general
Would they have any tattoos or piercings A few might be fun!!
Bonus question
What question would you have put here Why?