Dr Foxtopus is a Cunt profile picture

Dr Foxtopus is a Cunt

Kiss it, fuckface.

About Me

Hi. I'm me, if you don't know me by now, you will never never know me, no you won't. I'm writing suff nowdays, yeah stuff. Lovecraft influenced tales in the style of Raymond Chandler. Hopefully it's not as poncey as it sounds. Read my blogs and let me know what you think. Other than that i live in the old big smokey, editing stuff (yeah more stuff, deal with it) and still attempting music video's with musicians who are more hard work than kids, animals or kids that are mixed with animals to create freakish Dr. Moreau inspired hybrids that hang around the estate sniffing each others arses. Where was i?I did this ages ago, and i should be doing more...This profile was edited with MySpace Profile Editor MySpace Profile Editor

My Interests

Photography, Films, Tunes, books, Gigs, Art, Travelling, Eastern Philosophy, Western philosophy, Music, The Occult, The Orient, Folklore, Science, Nature, obscure facts, Religion, Politics, Parties and shit, oh and weasel fighting, a man my size can take down about 15-30 weasels, 50 on a good day.
Shane MacGowan... unconsciously brilliant. You
can intelligently debate any topic from
theology, history, literature and
philosphy... though only while you're out of
your skull on booze.

Which fucked-up genius composer are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

I'd like to meet:

Someone who'll renew my faith in the human race, i ain't holding my breath.
Name Tom
Nicknames 2Shoes, Dr. Foxtopus, Tales, Tommy Sandwich, Sacko
What would you change your name to Tom Wolfgang Sales
Birthplace Croydon
Current Location Leeds
if you could go anywhere now, where would it be Bhutan
Favourite meal Thai Green Curry
Favourite alcoholic drink Jamesons and lemonade
Favourite Drug Weed
Favourite Song to dance to
Favourite Song to album to chill out to Mingus Mingus Mingus, Charles Mingus
Favourite musician to shag to Al Green
Current favourite musician/group Tom Waits / Nick Cave / Bjork
Current favourite album Grinderman
What song is in your head now Love is the key - Charlatans
How many Tattoos do you have and what are they Two, one crap one good, the goodun is a buddhist mantra.
How many piercings do you have, and where two, in my ear with nowt in em.
Who is your best mate Macca, Dodge, £alph, Ollie, Jo Smith, Joel, erm...
If you could have super powers what would they be Super speed, i could shag like aa jack-rabbit
What six things couldn't you live without English Bacon, Booze, Weed, Tea, Friends, I'd say sex, but currently i'm doing fine without it.
What is your favourite pub The Chemic Tavern, Probs.
What is your favourite club Wardrode, Warehouse, somewhere new.
What is your idea of a good night out Dancing fast to hard music with good friends and not going to bed til the following evening.
What is your idea of a good night in Wine, Women, Weed.
What kind of people irritate you Blank faced non thinkers and liars.
What do you hate the most People being selfish, from world leaders to wankers who drive sports cars.
What song would you play at your wedding The funeral march
What song would you play at your funeral Hard Time Killing Floor Blues
Do you Love or hate Marmite HATE
Are you Allergic to nuts Hazelnuts and Peanuts.
What is your favourite cartoon Walt Disney's Robin Hood, Spirited Away and Ninja Scroll.
What is your favourite t.v comedy Peepshow at the moment.
What newspaper do you buy Guardian, Lefties unite!
What do you do for a living Production assistant, basically a corporate cameraman/editor, sigh.
What hobbies/passions do you have Making leftie docs and music vids
What are you wearing A glasto free recycle t-shirt, hand me down jeans and knacked puma's
What do you want to wear clothes without holes
Favourite sexual position Anything involving more than one girl.
If you could sleep with anyone, who would it be Jennifer connely, or Masumi Max
what five famous people (alive or dead) would you have at a dinner party
If you could fight anyone (alive or dead), who would it be Pol Pot, chairman mao, hitler and stalin, twats.
who is your favourite fictional character John constantine, Arthur Dent and Yossarian
If you could be any animal what would it be The dog from Littlest hobo
If you had a deamon (from, 'his dark materials' trilogy) what would it be. A Badger
what is the most embarrasing thing to happen to you Being born, i saw my mums minge up close and everything, never again!
what is the worst thing you've said after/during or before sex Sorry and Thankyou are up there.
what is the rankest thing you've ever thought It'd make you sick.
In a perfect partner
Hair colour Brown/Red
Eye colour Green
Nationality Japanese/Welsh
3 Physical attributes you'd look for Eyes, Hair, boobs
4 Personality traits You'd look for Intelligent, witty, honest, creative, fun
What music would they like They'd have a broad taste to keep up with me.
how old would they be Younger than me normally.
Would you rather them to be cleverer or thicker than you Cleverer
What would turn you off any person Being boring.
Would they have any tattoos or piercings In an ideal world, yep.
Bonus question
What question would you have put here How smelly is your quim.


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Your Life: The Soundtrack
Opening credits: Electrobank - Chemical brothers
Waking up: Space Oddity - David Bowie
Average day: A day in the life - The Beatles
First date: Get ready for Love - Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds
Falling in love: All is Full of Love - Bjork
Love scene: Take me to the river - Al Green
Fight scene: Sabotage - Beastie boys
Breaking up: No Pussy Blues - Grinderman
Getting back together: Do you remember the first time - Pulp
Secret love: Can we still be friends - Bright Eyes
Life's okay: Future's so bright i gotta wear shades - Timbuk 3
Mental breakdown: Bullet in the head - Rage against the Machine
Driving: Bad Habit - Offspring
Learning a lesson: I need a Montage - DVDA
Deep thought: Bukowski - Modest Mouse
Flashback: Back in the days - Pharcyde
Partying: No Good (start the Dance) Prodigy
Happy dance: Clapping Song - Shirley Ellis
Regreting: Hurt - Johnny cash cover
Long night alone: Desperado - The Eagles
Death scene: Freedom - Charles Mingus
Closing credits: Exit music for a film - Radiohead
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Bzoink - The Original Survey Site ..END BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE Hip Hop: Anticon, Sage Francis, De La Soul, Public enemy, NWA, Kid Koala, Fingathing, Q-bert, Coldcut, Dj Food, Mos Def, Beastie Boys, Buck 65, Roots Manuva, Braintax, Ninjatune records, Anti-pop Consortium, Cypress Hill, Sole, Clouddead, Themselves, Murs, Slug, MF Doom, Madlib, foriegn Beggers, Jehst, Taskforce, dolermite, big daddy kane, dj dangermouse, Boom Bip, skinnyman, dj vadim. Soul and funk: stevie wonder, isaac hayes, otis reading, al green, barry white (yes mate!), george clinton and parliament funkadelic, bootsy collins, james brown, jackson 5, aretha franklin, temptations, the supremes, ike and tina turner, curtis mayfield, roy ayers, the delfonics, sly and the family stone, the puzzles, and all the other bands like that i can't remember (no new soul), Indie: Pulp, Super Furry Animals, beck, blur, supergrass, the charlatans, radiohead, jeffrey lewis, the unicorns, the flaming lips the polyphonic spree, the strokes (1st album) the libertines, arcade fire, the cure, the stone roses, happy mondays, black grape, belle and sebastian, i am kloot, the doves, bright eyes, theres more i know it. rock: the Beatles, The rolling stones, the who, led zeppelin, pink floyd, motorhead, david bowie, wimple winch, the yardbirds, cream, jimi hendrix, the doors, queens of the stone age, the ramones, the new york dolls, the stranglers, the clash, the sex pistols, the fall, Gang of four, red hot chilli peppers, the eagles.General gabba, techno (dave clarke, sven vath etc), hardcore drum and bass, dj scud, dj assault, kid 606, squarepusher, shitmat, aphex twin, bjork, jazz; coltrane, mingus, hancock, mehldue, soweto kinch, stan getz, dizzie gillespie, and anything else that's good, not shit, not coldplay or 50pence or any other load of wank that's churned out. you know what i'm saying? eh!


I'm was a film student so i'm not gonna fucking bore you with anymore lists just anything good. Currently into Korean films. no toss(unless it's porn, then there's lots of toss, obviously)


Neighbours, League of Gentlemen, Supermarket Sweep, Catterick, Spaced, Garth Merenghi's Dark Place, Mighty Boosh, Samurai Jack, Futurama, Friends, Family Guy, Simpsons, Hitchikers Guide To The Galaxy, Bottom, Black Adder, 24 (1st series), Planet Earth (actually anything with David Attenborough), and anything good, unfortunatly theres not much good tele about, I intend to change that.This is genius though. the power of nightmares


1984, Lone Wolf and Cub, the Wasp Factory, Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy, The Unfettered Mind, anything by H.P. Lovecraft, Catch 22, William Blake collected poems, anything by Alan Moore, Philip. K. Dick, Neil Gaiman, or Grant Morrison, Shakespeare or anyone else of high quality and interesting style (i can't be bothered naming anything else i like because, let's face it after the music list, you're probably worn out.)


Whatever happened to all the heroes, eh? Wangers.Your results:
You are Iron Man Iron Man 85% Catwoman 75% Spider-Man 70% Green Lantern 70% Batman 60% The Flash 60% Hulk 55% Robin 48% Superman 45% Supergirl 43% Wonder Woman 43% Inventor. Businessman. Genius.
Click here to take the "Which Superhero am I?" quiz...

My Blog

Chapter 2 (part2)

now I think this is right, but myspace has really fucked me about when i tried to copy and paste it in. It repeated sections, put weird code instead of apostrophe’s and was generally a nightmare...
Posted by Dr Foxtopus is a Cunt on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 01:13:00 PST

Chapter 2 (part 1)

  Chapter 2 The ceiling had wooden beams, my hand throbbed and what I could remember of my dream scared me more than I could figure out why. Something dark, just out of sight was waiting for m...
Posted by Dr Foxtopus is a Cunt on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 08:10:00 PST

Chapter 1 (part 2)

             I woke up sharp from a dream I couldn’t remember but knew I didn’t like. My watch told that I had a good half hour before...
Posted by Dr Foxtopus is a Cunt on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 11:33:00 PST

Erm, been writing a bit. read it if you want.

Now, i’v  kinda been writing a fair bit. This is a story based on a film idea that my friend shaun came up with. I’m gonna  write it in prose to get my head round it. It’s ...
Posted by Dr Foxtopus is a Cunt on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 04:55:00 PST

Crap haiku boredom

Ohh, haiku's Syllable poetry from japan. Profound, abstract, zenlike word beauty.Normally going 5, 7, 5 but can be in the same veinI'm bored, let's make with the bad peotry like a 14 year old unloved ...
Posted by Dr Foxtopus is a Cunt on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 07:42:00 PST

Day of Action (part 2)

It's hard to explain to your friends how cold the mornings are when you haven't got central heating. It's not like when you wake up when the heating's off in your house. This house has never had centr...
Posted by Dr Foxtopus is a Cunt on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 08:27:00 PST

Day of Action (part 1)

Over the thousands of years of mans existence many profound and truthful things have been said by many people about the journey of life.  When I think of all of all of these slithers of wisdom pa...
Posted by Dr Foxtopus is a Cunt on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 07:52:00 PST

Action force O.A.P (2nd draft).

 ..>..>..>In Ireland the largest landowner is Coilte, it's a semi-public company that owns most of the Irish forests and rural land. It's basically the Irish forestry commission. Now any work or ...
Posted by Dr Foxtopus is a Cunt on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 09:42:00 PST

What to do when Shell drills your SAC

There are certain things about the rules that exist here in Rossport and the surrounding area. Since i've arrived i've found that there seems to be one set of rules for the locals and one for Shel...
Posted by Dr Foxtopus is a Cunt on Tue, 06 Nov 2007 12:24:00 PST

Return to the Emerald Isle

My return journey to Ireland was a pale comparison to my trip to Leeds. When I took it apon myself to ramble back to blighty, I also took the initiative to steal 4 bottles of good red wine, which I dr...
Posted by Dr Foxtopus is a Cunt on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 09:43:00 PST