Here is some info on how to buy our records and how to get in touch with us.
We have PO Box now! That means you should send us all kinds of crazy stuff.
Screaming Females
PO Box 1561
New Brunswick, NJ 08903-1561
The best way to buy our records is from us at shows. Next best thing is to send money orders made our to JARRETT DOUGHERTY (Screaming Females is not an official business so we can't cash anything made out to that name!!!) to our PO Box. If you rather pay a little more you can use the paypal buttons below. Postage included in all prices.
What If Someone is Watching Their TV? - Full Length - released June 07
1. Theme Song
2. The Real Mothers
3. Humanity Arranged
4. Starve the Beat
5. Little Anne
6. Fun
7. Limbs
8. Pedro
9. Mothership
10. Boyfriend
$11.00 - money order, $12.00 - paypal
Vinyl Version- including full color insert
CD Version
Baby Teeth - Full Length - Released Feb 06
1. Foul Mouth
2. Electric Pilgrim
3. Jonah
4. Angelo's Song
5. The Bearded Lady
6. Henry's Embryo
7. Dinosaurs
8. Sports
9. Bus Driver Man
10. Baby Jesus
$11.00 - money order, $12.00 - paypal
Vinyl Version - Colored vinyl (black and white splatter)
CD Version
S/T 7 inch - EP - Released July 06
Side A - Arm Over Arm
Side B - Zoo of Death
$5.00 - money order, $6.00 - paypal
Vinyl Only
Some stores that sell our stuff:
Thrillhouse Records - San Fran
Bull City Records - Durham
Curmudgeon Records - Somerville
Vintage Vinyl - Fords
Academy Record Annex - Brooklyn
Siren Records - Doylestown
Long in the Tooth - Philly