Anything from the 30's, 40's or 50's!
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I'd like to meet:
Other vintage and antique shop owners, people who know vintage furniture is really recycling. people who love vintage clothing, people who actually wear vintage hats, people who know and hang out with people that others think are nuttier than fruitcakes, truly independent women, people who know what Mid Century Modern is and can name some designers from that period, people who love Big Band music, people who know who Vargas is, people who call me Marilyn, people who speak up when they know something and keep their pie hole shut when they don't, people who ride bikes, people who live to ride bikes, shop owners that close early to ride their bikes, people who buy things not knowing or caring whether they have space for it, people who come to my shop and ask the price of my favorite items (which are never priced!), people who call themselves "collectors", people who say they don't "collect" they just buy things and put them in their house, people who slam on the brakes to go thru a junk pile on the side of the road, people who's significant other allows them to go thru a junk pile on the side of the road, people who go to garage/tag sales, people who get up at 5:00 am on a Saturday to go to a garage/tag sale, people who would wait in a line in the rain for two hours to go to an estate sale, people who are called "roadies" and have no affiliation with a band, people who know that money is made in the buying and not the selling, people that go out of town and the first thing they do is look under "vintage shops" and/or "bike shops" in the hotel phone book, people who get a thrill out of buying something for a quarter and selling it for $100, people who have more than one bike, people who have their bike sitting in the middle of their living room, people who pick something off the side of the road and sell it for $100, people who know that only the truly rare sells for bunches on eBay, people who knew that $50 for one Fiesta plate was a bad buy, people who rearrange paying their bills to buy more vintage stuff, people who rearrange their bills to buy more bike stuff, people with high IQ and nobody knows it, people who start every bid at $5.00 regardless of what the item is, people who hang out with vintage lovers, shop owners that don't compete, people who can sit with friends and laugh until they cry, cigar smokers, people who know what a demi parure is (okay, I'm just kidding), people who are okay being the only sober one in the group, people who drive Volvo station wagens to haul their stuff, really cute Volvo mechanics, people who commute to work - on their bike, men who look good in bike pants, women who hang back in the group to be pulled and to watch mens butts, men who know we're watching their butts, people who know Joe Mezzina will bend over backwards for you, people who know that Pete is a great bike mechanic and teacher and an extreme hottie....more later....
I like any kind of music as long as it's not too LOUD. If I can't hear you talking beside me, it's too LOUD. I'm old that way.
I play Louis Armstrong and Glenn Miller a lot in the shop.
I like Techno stuff too....I can even stand it loud....isn't that weird?
Fight Club (cause, well Brad Pitt and if we all went back to punching each other to solve our problems, we'd be better off and not dead), Silence of the Lambs (cause Jodi Foster was great and I think Hanibal Lechter and I would be great friends - he has a low tolerance for stupid too,) Aliens ("Get away from her you bitch",) 48 Hours (cause Eddie used to be funny,) Beverly Hills Cop (cause Eddie used to be funny,) English Patient (Sappy, I know but men should look at women the way he does in this movie, Men in Black (Cause Will Smith is it in it, say no more).....stuff like that.
Always on but mostly to drown out noise from outside so they dogs don't bark at the front door. I do like CSI cause of their cool flashlights.
I'm reading the Road to Montevideo now. It's about a young lady who travels to South American on a bike in the 1940's. She is fricking gutsy!
Me! Who else? I'm the greatest! My dogs - Past and present cause I love them way more than the peoples. My friend Michelle cause she is the most determined person I have ever met. My dad, cause he's the most driven to live person I have ever met. My Mom cause she has it going on!