Social Change Movements, Quakerisim, Liberation Theology, Border and Immigration Issues, Immigrants Rights, Alternative Economic Models,Public Health, Socialized Medicine,Philosophy, Deep Ecology, the AFSC, No More Deaths, Amnesty International,International relations, Humans
People who are kind. People with the courage to make a stand. People who know who they are. People who are searching for answers. Ah hell, I like just about anybody; humans are my favorite animal.
Joe Arpaio (the Maracopa County Sheriff) is "honored to be called KKK"
I live onsite at an acousitic folk music venue, so I have developed a taste for some leser known names. Coyotie Grace, Harmony and Grits, Palusa, ILYAIMY, and of course, Dakota and the Black River Bandit to name a few. In general, Folk, Bluegrass, Jugband, and Blues of all kinds.
Anything that makes me think.
tossed it in the dumpster back in 99.
Goatwalking, by Jim Corbett; A Plea For The Poor, Woolman; Chesapeak, by mitchner; to kill a mokingbird, Lee; The wisdom of insecurity, Watts; Civil Disobediance, Thoreau; Poetry by Snyder, Pope, Hafiz, Rumi, Elliot, and anything written by my beautiful wife.
John Woolman, Dorothy Day, Jim Corbett, Ghandi, MLK, Cesar Chavez, Archbishop Romero, and anyone with the courage to cross the desert to feed his family.