*** 'Caligula', more properly Gaius (Gaius Julius Caesar Germanicus), was the third Roman emperor, in succession to Tiberius. He has gone down in history, perhaps unfairly, as Rome's most tyrannical emperor; but since we lack Tacitus' account of his short reign, it is impossible to know the truth behind the wilder stories. ***
Born: 31-Aug-12 AD
Birthplace: Antium
Died: 24-Jan-41 AD
Location of death: Rome, Italy
Cause of death: Assassination
Remains: Cremated
Gender: Male
Religion: Idol Worshipper
Ethnicity: White
Occupation: Royalty
Nationality: Ancient Rome
Executive summary: Roman Emperor, 37-41 AD
My name is Gaius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, I was a Roman emperor from 37 to 41, Im am the youngest son of Germanicus and Agrippina the elder. I was born in Antium on the 31st of August AD 12.
I also have three other brothers and they are Nero Caesar, Drusus Caesar and Tiberius Caesar, my sisters are Julia Livilla, Drusilla and Agrippina the Younger. I have a fourth brother named Gauis Julius Caesar but he died at a very young age.
I was brought up in my father's camp on the Rhine among my fathers Legions, and I received the name Caligula from the caligae, or foot-soldiers' boots, which I used to wear. I also accompanied my father to Syria, and after his death I returned to Rome. In 32 AD, I was summoned by Tiberius to Capreae, and by skilful flattery managed to escape the fate of my relatives. After the murder of Tiberius by Naevius Sertorius Macro, the prefect of the praetorian guards, which I instigated, I ascended the throne amidst the rejoicings of the people.
The senate conferred the imperial power upon myself alone and although Tiberius Gemellus, the grandson of the preceding emperor Tiberius, had been designated as my co-heir. I entered on my first consulship in July 37. For the first eight months of my reign I did not disappoint the popular expectation; but after my recovery from a severe illness my true character showed itself. My extravagance, cruelty and profligacy can hardly be explained except on the assumption that I was completely and utterly out of my mind.
To fill my exhausted treasury I put to death my wealthy subjects and confiscated all their property. I bestowed the priesthood and a consulship upon my white horse Incitatus, and demanded that sacrifice be offered to me. I openly wished and declared that the whole Roman people had only one head so that I can cut it off at a single stroke.
In 39 AD I set out with an army to Gaul, nominally to punish the Germans for having invaded Roman territory, but in reality to get money by plunder and confiscation. Before leaving, I led my Legions to the coast opposite Britain, and ordered them to pick up shells on the seashore, to be dedicated to the gods at Rome as the spoils of ocean. Upon my return I entered Rome with an ovation, temples were built, statues erected in my honor, and a special priesthood instituted to attend to my worship. The people were ground down by new forms of taxation and every kind of extortion, but on the whole Rome was free from internal disturbances during my reign; some insignificant conspiracies were discovered and rendered abortive.
On January 21, While I was addressing an acting troupe of young men during a series of games held for the Divine Augustus. I was assassinated by members of my own Praetorian Guard, including M. Arrecinus Clemens, co-prefect of the Guard, and Cassius Chaerea, a military tribune of the Guard, in conspiracy with several high-ranking senators, notably Marcus Vinicius, husband of my exiled sister Julia Livilla.
My wife Caesonia, and my young 3 year old daughter Julia Drusilla were also assassinated in the Imperial palace soon after my death.
***Although Caesonia was reportedly no great beauty, and she had three daughters from her first marriage, Caligula (her new husband) seems to have genuinely loved her. It would appear most likely that she first came to his attention at one of the numerous brothels or extravagant parties that Caligula often patronised, both before and after he became Emperor. When he came to the imperial throne around late 37, he moved her into the palace. After three brief marriages to proper Roman noblewomen, each lasting less than one year, Caligula finally decided to make his favourite Caesonia the Augusta (the title accorded to the Empress) on the condition that she first give him a child.
Suetonius states that at Caligula's instigation Caesonia would remove her clothing and parade herself naked in front of his troops and select friends. Some sources claim that their only daughter Julia Drusilla (named for her late aunt, Caligula's favourite sister) was born on the same day as the wedding.
Rome was appalled that their new empress was a commoner, and one with a past at that, but Caesonia appears to have won a certain degree of respect by her practicality, her unshakable nature, courage and loyalty to her mad husband, despite the worsening nature of his antics. She seems to have exercised a moderating influence over him, and served as an unofficial adviser.
Caligula often wondered why this one woman continued to hold his affections when so many others had rapidly bored him, and sometimes threatened to torture her to find the reason why. Some sources claim that he went mad as a result of a love potion she administered to him to curb his wandering ways, although this seems unlikely as he was already displaying the first signs of irrational behaviour before becoming Emperor.***
Julia Drusilla
***Named after her late aunt and her father's favorite sister, Drusilla, Julia was born not long after Caligula married Caesonia (some sources have her being born on the same day as the marriage). Caesonia already had 3 daughters from her first marriage. When Drusilla was born, Caligula took her to a temple that housed statues of goddesses and placed her on the lap of Minerva, instructing the goddess to nurse and train his new daughter. Soon after her birth, Caligula set up donation boxes around Rome marked "Julia's Drink" or "Julia's Food".
The limited available knowledge of Drusilla is not flattering. It is doubtful whether Caligula instilled any discipline in his daughter, amused by the savage nature that has been attributed to her by ancient sources like Suetonius. It is said that when she was old enough to start playing with other children, she would attack them and try to claw out their eyes. Caligula is reported to have said that this was proof that she was his daughter.
On January 24, 41 Caligula was assassinated by his guards. Caesonia and Drusilla survived him by only a few minutes. They were killed by his Praetorian Guard under Cassius Chaerea; Drusilla's head was smashed against a wall.***
AD19 father Germanicus dies (poisoned) in Antioch
AD27 uncle Tiberius takes up residence on Capri
c.AD28 incestuous relationship with sister Drusilla
AD29 mother Agrippina exiled to Pandateria
AD30 went to live with Tiberius on Capri
AD31 brother Nero commits suicide
AD33 brother Drusus dies in prison; mother Agrippina starves to death
AD33 married wife1, Junia Claudilla, daughter of M. Silanus, died in childbirth
c.AD34 mistress Ennia Naevia (Thrasylla), at the time married to Macro the Praetorian commander
AD37/03/16 Tiberius dies (suffoccated by Macro)
AD37/03/18 senate invests Gaius with sole power; Hailed imperator ;Tribunicia Potestas I, renewed annually
AD37/05/01 grandmother Antonia dies
AD37/07/01 to 08/31 consul I (suffectus), with uncle Claudius
AD37 (Sep.) falls seriously ill
AD37 (Oct.) recovers, but has severe mental disorder
AD37 (Nov.) Tiberius Gemellus executed
AD37 (Dec.) Macro tricked into relinquishing command of praetorians, and forced to suicide
AD37 (late) married 2nd wife, Livia (Cornelia) Orestilla, stolen from the nuptual bed of her husband G. Calpurnius Piso, divorced within 2 months
AD38 married 3rd wife, Lollia Paulina, wife of G. Memmius Regulus a governor of consular rank, divorced after 1 night
AD38/06/10 sister Drusilla dies and is deified; G. seeks solace in a journey thru Campania to Sicily
AD39 consul II; married wife4, Caesonia (Milonia), had 3 daughters by a previous marriage
AD39 (early) delivered a searing address to senate, accusing senators of complicity in executions of Tiberius' reign
AD39 (summer) built bridge of boats at Baiae
AD39/08/18 Cornelius Lentulus Gaetulicus, commander of Rhine armies, charged with conspiracy and executed.
AD39 (Sep.) dimissed both consuls from office, on charges of treachery
AD39 (late Sep.) starts for Germany, via Gaul
AD39 wintered in Lugdunum
AD40 consul III; arrived at Rhine frontier; Galba installed as successor of Gaeticulus; campaigning against the Germans; British invasion abandoned
AD40 (early?) birth of daughter, Julia Drusilla
AD40 (May) arrives back at Rome "with sword in hand"
AD40 (late) assumes the role and trappings of a god; builds a temple to himself on the Palatine; whispers confidences with statue of Jupiter Capitolinus AD41 consul IV
AD41/01/24 Gaius, Caesonia & infant Julia Drusilla assassinated by Chaerea & Sabinus
M. Lepidus
Mnester the Comedian
Valerius Catullus
Father: Germanicus
Mother: Agrippina the Elder
Brother: Nero Caesar
Brother: Drusus Caesar
Brother: Tiberius Caesar
Brother: Gaius Julius Caesar
Sister: Julia Livilla
Sister: Drusilla
Sister: Agrippina the Younger
Wife: Caesonia (#4, b. 6 AD, d. 41 AD murder)
Daughter: Julia Drusilla (b. 39 AD, d. 41 AD d. murder)
Timeline of the Julio - Claudian Emperors
31 Octavian and Marcus Agrippa defeat forces of Mark Antony and Cleopatra at Actium.
30 Mark Antony and Cleopatra commit suicide. Octavian controls Egypt.
27 Octavian proclaimed Augustus by the Roman Senate.
27 BC to 68 AD Julio - Claudian Emperors of Rome.
27 BC to 14 AD Augustus is Emperor.
25 Marcus Agrippa builds the Pantheon.
23 Death of Marcellus.
21 Agrippa marries Julia.
18 Augustus' laws on morality, adultery and marriage.
12 Drusus in command in Germany, Tiberius in the East. Death of Agrippa.
10 Claudius is born in Lyons.
9 Drusus dies of injuries. Tiberius marries Julia.
6 Tiberius in Rhodes.
2 Julia banished.
2 Lucius dies in Marseilles.Tiberius recalled.
4 Gaius dies in Armenia. Augustus adopts Tiberius.
8 Julia (the Younger) banished. Ovid banished.
9 Massacre of the three legions under Varus in the Teutoburg Forest. Tiberius defends the Rhine.
14 Death of Augustus.
14 to 37 Tiberius is Emperor.
19 Death of Germanicus, trial of Piso.
23 Sejanus principal assistant and Commander of the Praetorian Guard.
27 Tiberius moves to Capri.
29 Death of Livia. Agrippina (the Elder) and Nero (her son) banished.
31 Execution of Sejanus. Livilla starved.
33 Drusus starved.
37 Tiberius smothered.
37 to 41 Caligula is Emperor.
38 Death of Drusilla. Claudius (48) marries Messalina (16).
40 Caligula's 'victory' over the Germans, Neptune and Britain.
41 Caligula assassinated.
41 to 54 Claudius is Emperor.
43 Claudius conquers Britain.
48 Execution of Messalina. Claudius (57) marries Agrippina (the Younger) (32).
53 Nero marries Octavia.
54 Claudius poisoned.
54 to 68 Nero is Emperor.
55 Nero poisons Britannicus.
59 Nero has Agrippina (the Younger) (his mother) executed.
62 Nero has Octavia executed.
64 Great Fire in Rome.
68 Nero loses all support, commits suicide.