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About Me

I only drink ginger ale on airplanes. I also spend copious amounts of time considering how much better I am than you.
I don't think you're bad people, I just think that your aesthetic is horrible. Please treat me with the same respect and candor. I would appreciate the honesty. A little less professional, a little more upfront and confrontational.

Here are a few pictures I liked enough to put on my server at

Click here for the rest of my photos I've uploaded to my picasaweb account. Some of them are good, but most are just junk I've uploaded there.
Music. Anything that rocks.
Making sushi
Riding my bike
My website.
Listening to podcasts of shows I miss during the day.
Shooting targets
Taking pictures.
Wii Sports
Eggplant and zucchini
Calphalon Pans.
Cooking Kickin the vegan recipes yo. It helps me not be stupid about current events.
Juan cole. He helps me not be stupid about the middle east.
Wikipedia: Helps me not be stupid about pretty much anything else.
I love it when animals get messed with by human beings and end up wrecking the humans. Tigers and elephants mauling their handlers, bulls goring bullfighters or stomping idiots in spain, etc...
Willfully ignorant people.
PeOpLe WhO TyPe LiKe ThIs. Please die in a fire.
Ppl who lik 2 typ lik this. Seriously, there are well over 100 keys on a keyboard. Feel free to branch out and use them all. It's fun and interesting.
I'm not a big fan of eating meat. But that's a personal choice. Do what you do.
Incorrect pronunciation or word usage.
People who are way too cheery about completely insignificant crap.
People who beat around the bush and obfuscate what they want to say. Don't waste my time.
People who talk for the sake of saying something, rather than having something to communicate. Ford prefect had a theory about this, that if people didn't keep their mouths moving, their lips might just seize up. Or perhaps if their mouths stopped moving, their brains might start working. I think that's an excellent theory.
Basically I'm a cantankerous curmudgeon. You wouldn't want to hang around with me.
------------------------------------------------------------ ---
Music I'm digging right now:
Iteration - Propagandhi
Donald wept through the proceedings. His tears soaked through the canvas that cloaked his twisted face and they stained his orange jumpsuit where with such rare distinction he once displayed the evidence of his outstanding contributions to the maintenance of a kingdom come. But those days are gone. He's nothing more than a number on a docket thick with shareholders, engineers, PR firms and politicians: war-profiteers.
"How the fuck did I end up here? This just isn't fair. Ain't no place for a millionaire."
He searches for the words to stop this table in mid-turn, like "we are but old men" and "we only did what we were told", but the laughter from the gallery drowns out these vestiges of a profession's oldest defense.
"The court will direct the record to reflect compliments from the bench; you sir, are central casting's crowning achievement. And for your outstanding performance in a comedic role, I'd like to dedicate the findings of the jury to the dead."
But how can one man ever repay a debt so appalling? Can't gouge 10,000 eyes from a single head, so I think we should observe a sentence that will serve to satisfy both a sense of function and poetry. So you will spend the rest of your days drenched in sweat, with your face drawn in a rictus of terror as you remove another buried land mine fuse. Meanwhile, 100 yards back behind the sandbags, a legless foreman pulls the trigger on a red megaphone. Squelching feedback. Drunken laughter. Broken English. His dead daughter's picture. Time and tide, no one can anticipate the inevitable waves of change.

My Interests

Music. Computers. purposeful renunciation to compensate for affluence and leisure. Beer. Photography. HK Pistols. Ruger 10/22's. SKS's. AR-15's. Cooking. Calphalon Pans. Well built kitchenware. Kitchenaid heavy duty pizza cutters. Shun Knives. El Pollo Loco BRC's and Green Avocado sauce. Salsa. Liberal Politics. Being well informed. Rational thought. Reason. Caglar Juan Singletary. Song Poems. Canon L-class Lenses. Homemade pizza. Karaoke. Science. Darwin. Sushi. Traveling. Seeing new things for the first time. Bowling in Wii Sports. Playing bass/guitar/drums. Singing at the top of my lungs in my car while you look on in bewilderment.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who gets my quantum elevator jokes or will sing the star spangled banner into my brown, gaping, asshole.

Caglar Juan Singletary. Songwriter to such hits as "Non-Violent Taekwondo Troopers, and "Annie Oakley".


anything from Mozart to Zeke. Also Caglar Juan Singletary


German shit videos, Re-dubbed and edited GI Joe PSA's, Sweet sweetbacks bad ass song. Off the Charts.


Daily show, Colbert Report, adult swim. Curb your enthusiasm. Intervention (best show on tv by far!). No reservations. Mythbusters.

Azureus + Scanerss = free bliss.


anything by Richard Dawkins, Bukowski, or Douglas Adams. The dark tower series by Stephen King. "God is not great" by Christopher Hitchens.


Anyone with the guts to call a spade a spade.

My Blog

These pro-McCain arguments are so pathetic.

I check a lot cause I like their poll averages, but sometimes I check out the op-eds they have on there too. This one from Charles Krauthammer was by far the lamest argument I've...
Posted by Guts on Fri, 24 Oct 2008 10:28:00 PST

Fox news is hilarious....

Down in Mexico at the resort we were staying at, there were only a couple of channels that could be relied up for consistently having english spoken: CNN, Fox News, and Discovery. Since I was on vacat...
Posted by Guts on Mon, 20 Oct 2008 10:07:00 PST

New dogs up for adoption!

..View AlbumGet your own...
Posted by Guts on Mon, 06 Oct 2008 09:59:00 PST

Puppy bears at the dog park!

Posted by Guts on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 09:19:00 PST

Anyone want half life 2 and episode one?

I've got half life 2 and half life 2: episode 1 that I can give away as gifts on steam. When episode 2 came out I bought the bundle that had both of them included even though I already owned them and ...
Posted by Guts on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 07:06:00 PST

I made a bet on the election.

Some dude on the gun forum I go to occasionally bet me his Rock Island Armory Compact 1911 .45* that McCain will win. I bet him my Ruger P95 that Obama will win. What do you guys think? Stupid bet?*(...
Posted by Guts on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 11:06:00 PST

More dogs for adoption!

Posted by Guts on Tue, 26 Aug 2008 12:28:00 PST

The first guitar I ever owned.

Simultaneously the ugliest guitar I've ever owned, and also the best sounding and most well-built guitar. [/img]I found it at a guitar shop in Reno and it was so butt-ugly that nobody wanted to buy it...
Posted by Guts on Mon, 21 Jul 2008 03:28:00 PST

The Chinese special segway batallion.

  Perhaps the most breathtakingly stupid thing I've ever seen. The epitome of someone in government making decisions about something they know nothing about, and then making up for their ineptit...
Posted by Guts on Fri, 04 Jul 2008 10:50:00 PST

New dog adoption slideshow....

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Posted by Guts on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 06:17:00 PST