Drumming, Downhill biking, Inebriation, Sunshine, Learning, Being suprised, Good friends, Evil friends, Piss Taking, Trying to be funny, The gift of the Blag and making myself into what i always wanted to be (its a work in progress)
If you want to add me as a friend and i dont actually know you (as in at least a drunken chat in a pub) message me and tell me a bit about yourself. I would like to know who my 'friends' are!!!
Anything odd, funny, serious, strategic, organic or just has any kind of good bass line
yes i like them
is the root of all evil
Down and out in Paris and London by George Orwell Glamorama-Bret Easton Ellis The Art of Seeing
are always a dissappointment although saying that they could perhaps help me with my spelling