Writing. Learning Spanish. Seeing things I've never seen before. Reading. Understanding. Nature. Music. Trying to play the keyboard. Art. Can't go without mentioning photography! Love it! Rediscovered it recently. The joys of the digital SLR have coloured my life with a long lost multicoloured glow.
I'd like to travel through time and meet me as a baby, me as a child and finally me as a teenager. Was I a cute baby? Does baby me cry all the time? Smile? Does baby me giggle? Would baby me like grown-up me? How would baby me react to seeing myself? Would I know it was me? If I did know it was me, looking down on myself 'coochy coochy coo!' *grin - I'm so cute!* would I be mentally disturbed by the occurrence? Perhaps we have a telepathic link with ourselves, as if we were in the same mind, which of course we are, but in the same time. So we can listen to one another’s thoughts. So we can read our own minds! That must be mentally disturbing. Perhaps it happens! Perhaps it happened! Of course if it was going to happen, if I were going to travel time and meet mini me it'd also have already happened, wouldn't it? Hummm. That deserves thought. But right now I should be writing my short story. I'm beginning to forget the plot. Damn it! Maybe I am a product of grown up me visiting mini me and mini me being forever plagued by the invisible memory of seeing herself, myself... Or would that be possible? Surely if it hasn't happened yet, it hasn't happened then either. Goodness me time travel is confusing. I think I'll stay put and meet, erm... I don't know... maybe, ummm, Margaret Attwood. Yes. That’s it. I'll meet Margret Attwood for an advice session on how to write novels without procrastinating on pointless internet profiles. What is the point of this anyway? It'd better lead to something good!
I like music that has the power to make me cry. I also like music that makes me laugh. I despise music that it only barely audible through the floor, the window, or a wall, yet has the power to keep me awake slowly pushing me into a tourturous world of mild thump... thump... thump.... thump... thump... thumps...
I don't like the word 'movie' very much.I prefer the word film.I like films that keep me guessing. Unless of course I'm still guessing long after the film has ended, with thoughts such as... "What the fuck was that all about? Seriously, what the FUCK was that all about?" "What mofo gave that pile of shile five friggin' stars?" "Why do I continuously let people convince me into coming to the cinema to watch this meaningless American shite? Why????!"Porn's ok.
Turn it off.
I like books that... Teach me a thing or two. Entertain me. Turn my pages. Keep me entranced. Make me feeeeel. Make me cry. Are hard to put down.I especially like books that I write.
Turn me on.