What peace means to me . . . HENRI BURA LADYI |
Henri is the director of the Congolese Peace Building intiative that Peace Direct helps to fund making him an essential authority on all things peaceful. Here's what it means to him . . .
Peace... Posted by on Sun, 10 Jun 2007 20:48:00 GMT |
What peace means to me . . . CHARLIE IRVINE |
Charlie is the Peace Direct Chairman and the moral boosting bundle of South African energy who keeps us perky and spinning on our toes. Here are his pearls of perusal about what peace means to hi... Posted by on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 08:03:00 GMT |
What Peace means to me . . . TERRY WAITE |
Terry Waite is well Terry Waite. What more can we say? Here's what peace means to him . . .
"On the one hand we experience the beauty of nature but we also know that nature is 'red in tooth an... Posted by on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 00:13:00 GMT |
Peace Books |
Here be a little list of books we give a hearty two thumbs up to but don't take our word for it, add your own reviews, comments and recommendations.
"One Unknown" Gill Hicks
Gill Hicks was on her wa... Posted by on Thu, 07 Jun 2007 20:44:00 GMT |
Wherever you are in the world, a very warm welcome to Practical Peace for May.
If you've only fifteen minutes to spare...
Haunting, taunting, singing, sit-ins, stand-ins... Posted by on Tue, 01 May 2007 00:05:00 GMT |