sil (]-_-[) profile picture

sil (]-_-[)

do the monkey with me

About Me

Me, the short version.
Me is a difficult person. Difficult to hang out with, difficult to understand and difficult to be. Im a student Communication and Multimedia Design for no particular reason. I drink alot of coffee and take too little sleep. I used to eat too much pizza, but it seems Ive been clean for some time now. I spend too much time working on the computer, and that sucks. I listen to too much music, of which most people dont even think its music, and I love it. I certainly have no sympathies for those people at all, hah. I dont really have friends. Theres a big bunch of people I dont really like but act nice to, so I can use them for my own purposes. Then theres a selective group of indiviuals who I act nice to because I think they're cool and I like them, but I dont really think they like me that much, they just feel sorry to turn me down(or some just simply turn their backs towards me). And then we've got the suckers I spit at.
Some people know me as the intelligent, deep and sensitive person I am to them(hah, I just said that). Others know me as a cool guy who likes to go out and score bitches, and some know me as the arrogant, selfcentered dick I am to them. Who I really am? I dont really know. I think that depends of the person you are. Im kinda chameleon, I guess. Theres just some people I really dont like, and you can guess what I am to them. :p
I got too many movies I still havent watched, since I simply dont have the time to watch them. For my eiffeltower of magazines next to my bed ditto, no time. And I used to be a sucker for videogames, but again no time anymore(maybe thats a good thing..).
so I like poetry and rap. Classical piano music, soundtracks and hiphop, breakbeat and drum'n bass. Sheakespeare and South Park. Michelangelo, Picasso, graffiti walls and breakdance.
Theres just a few things I detest and thats countrymusic, cows(if you live over here, youll notice that they usually are blonde, instead of black'n white..) and whole list of other things Im not wanting to think of right now.
So, thats me. If you're still reading this, I know someone who'd call you a stalker(stabbed u, girl!), but Im not that kind of person. I d just give you the advice to take it easy, and go check yourself, because I might be interesting, your own health is still number two after me. Oh, and if you were wondering, I accept donations. Just message me for my bank account.
Scientific facts:
Most people call me 'Sil' Many people spell my name 'Syl' 10% of my friends call me 'Sim' 7% of my friends call me 'Ilja' The rest calls me 'Master'
Sites I moderate:
Official Amon Tobin forum (under the alias 'Silami') (under the alias 'Bully')
Or you can find me at:
TagWorld YouTube Facebook
Or contact me by e-mail/MSN: pubicrelations[at]

My Interests

Music, drawing, creating graphics & sounds, gaming, surfing the web, skating, playing keys, guitars and samplers, and stuff...

I'd like to meet:

A tree that talks to humans, and all my internetfriends and colleagues I never really met.

Who I'm afraid of:
The lunatic who's more intelligent than I am.
Clowns and gym teachers.

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A process which uses given material, given signifiers (a text, a choro sequence) but which creates from new signifiers, a new reality which is not given.
"The bricoleur may not ever complete his purpose but he always puts something of himself into it."
The savage mino
Levi Strauss

"Good artists copy, great artists steal."
Pablo Picasso

"It's not where you take things from, it's where you take them to."
Jean-Luc Godard

"It's not how good you are, it's how good you want to be."
"Whatever you think, think the opposite."
Paul Arden


Electronica: Breakbeat, progressive, good vibes, downtempo, ambient, psytech, psychedelic, shoegaze, jazz, jazz-noir, nu-jazz, drum'n'bass, hip hop, funk, soul, dub, indie:
Amon Tobin , Funki Porcini, Bonobo , Kid Koala , P-Love , DJ Krush , Quantic , Pilote , Sixtoo , Roni Size, U.N.K.L.E. , DJ Shadow , Photek , Four Tet , Andy Hunter , Fatboy Slim , Aphrodite, Red Snapper , St. Germain, The Prodigy, Leftfield, Squarepusher, Zero dB, Stigg of the Dumps, Doubleclick, The Cinematic Orchestra, Xploding Plastix, Massive Attack, Rafiralfiro , Animals on wheels, DJ Food, Aphex Twin, Autechre, Boards of Canada, KRITA YUGA , Matmos, Murcof

Soundtracks: Lalo Schiffrin, David Arnold, Eric Serra, Jon Brion, Sascha Dikiciyan, Cris Valesco, Nobuo Uematsu, Koji Kondo

Metal, ska, rock, punk, blues, indie, folk, other:
The Smashing Pumpkins , Placebo , Radiohead, The Verve, Oasis , eels , The Decemberists , Fink , The Caesars, The Doors

Oldies: Frank Sinatra, Fred Astaire , Dean Martin, Johnny Cash


Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, Being John Malkovich, The Truman Show, Man on the moon, Blooddiamond, Goldeneye and everything by Aardman Studios and Pixar


This is Dom Joly!, World, shut your mouth, Trigger Happy TV


Marten Toonder, Bordewijk, André Franquin, José Luis Munuera, Morvan, Pierre Culliford, Tome and Homeros' Illiad and the Odyssey.


and all the lymphocytes in my body:
A lymphocyte is a type of white blood cell in the vertebrate immune system. There are two broad categories of lymphocytes, namely the large granular lymphocytes and the small lymphocytes. The large granular lymphocytes are more commonly known as the natural killer cells (NK cells). The small lymphocytes are the T cells and B cells. Lymphocytes play an important and integral role in the body's defenses. The three major types of lymphocyte are the natural killer (NK) cells, T cells and B cells. NK cells are a part of cell-mediated immunity (CMI) and act during the innate immune response. They can attack host cells that display a foreign (e.g. viral) peptide on particular cell surface proteins known as MHC class I molecules. Once they determine a cell is infected, the NK cells release cell killing (cytotoxic) granules that will destroy the infected cell. NK cells do not require prior activation in order to perform their cytotoxic effect upon target cells. Like NK cells, the T cells are chiefly responsible for cell-mediated immunity whereas B cells are primarily responsible for humoral immunity (relating to antibodies). T cells are named such because these lymphocytes mature in the thymus; B cells (named for the bursa of Fabricius in which they mature in bird species) are thought to mature in the bone marrow in humans. T and B lymphocytes differ from NK cells in that they are the principal cells involved in the adaptive immune system. (You must be really bored) These are cell types that retain a memory of a previous infection so that they can mount a quicker and stronger (greater specificity towarfs the culprit antigen(s) and more number of daughter cells) upon reinfection. In the presence of an antigen, B cells can become much more metabolically active and differentiate into plasma cells, which secrete large quantities of antibodies. T cells, after they see an antigen, will also become highly activated and will secrete specific proteins, such as cytokines and cytotoxic granules, depending on their subtype/function. Mammalian stem cells differentiate into several kinds of blood cell within the bone marrow. This process is called haematopoiesis (hematopoiesis = U.S. spelling). All lymphocytes originate, during this process, from a common lymphoid progenitor before differentiating into their distinct lymphocyte types. The formation of lymphocytes is known as lymphopoiesis. B cells remain in the bone marrow to mature, while T cells migrate to and mature in a distinct organ, called the thymus. Following maturation, the lymphocytes enter the circulation and peripheral lymphoid organs (e.g the spleen and lymph nodes) where they survey for invading pathogens and/or tumour cells. The lymphocytes involved in adaptive immunity (i.e. B and T cells) differentiate further after exposure to an antigen; they form effector and memory lymphocytes. Effector lymphocytes function to eliminate the antigen, either by releasing antibodies (in the case of B cells), cytotoxic granules (cytotoxic T cells) or by signaling to other cells of the immune system (helper T cells). Memory cells remain in the peripheral tissues and circulation for an extended time ready to respond to the same antigen upon future exposure. Microscopically, in a Wright's stained peripheral blood smear, a normal lymphocyte has a large, dark-staining nucleus with little to no basophilic cytoplasm. In normal situations, the coarse, dense nucleus of a lymphocyte is approximately the size of a red blood cell (about 7 micrometres in diameter). Some lymphocytes show a clear perinuclear zone (or halo) around the nucleus or could exhibit a small clear zone to one side of the nucleus. Polyribosomes are a proment feature in the lymphocytes and can be viewed with an electron microscope. The ribosomes are involved in protein synthesis allowing the generation of large quantities of cytokines and immunoglobulins by these cells. It is impossible to distinguish between T cells and B cells in a peripheral blood smear. Normally, flow cytometry testing is used for specific lymphocyte population counts. (still reading? You're nuts) This can be used to specifically determine the percentage of lymphocytes that contain a particular combination of specific cell surface proteins, such as immunoglobulins or cluster of differentiation (CD) markers or that produce particular proteins (for example, cytokines). In order to study the function of a lymphocyte by virtue of the proteins it generates, other scientific techniques like the ELISPOT or secretion assay techniques can be used. The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) hijacks and destroys T cells (specifically, the CD4+ subgroup of T lymphocytes). Without the key defense the these T cells provide, the body is susceptible to opportunistic diseases that otherwise would not kill healthy people. The level of HIV progression is typically determined by measuring the percentage of CD4+ T cells in the patient's blood. The effects of other viruses or lymphocyte disorders can also be estimated by counting the numbers of lymphocytes. (the first one to notice this line can come over here to collect a free kiss)This lymphocyte count is part of a peripheral complete blood cell count and is expressed as percentage of lymphocytes to total white blood cells counted. An increase in lymphocytes is usually a sign of a viral infection (in some rare cases, leukemias are found through an abnormally raised lymphocyte count in an otherwise normal person). A general increase in the number of lymphocytes is known as lymphocytosis whereas a decrease is lymphocytopenia.

My Blog

best mixtape I did so far

Listen up, all you peeps, I made a new mixtape for you.Its a mixtape existing of two sides, like most records. Its a little more rock oriented this time. Its like 75 minutes, so you can burn it onto C...
Posted by sil (]-_-[) on Thu, 04 Sep 2008 03:31:00 PST

Gig poster

A poster I designed for a dj night, using Photoshop....
Posted by sil (]-_-[) on Sun, 06 Jul 2008 02:27:00 PST

Character sheets

These are charactersheets for a character that was supposed to be used in a game. The game never finished, but I vectorized my sketches anyway.and here is the final vectorized character:Download the I...
Posted by sil (]-_-[) on Sun, 06 Jul 2008 02:24:00 PST

Veilig Verkeer Nederland

Veilig Verkeer Nederland approached us to create a campaign for the teenagers. Trafficappeared to be cause of death 1 for teenagers, and we had to do something to at leastmake them aware of that fact....
Posted by sil (]-_-[) on Sun, 06 Jul 2008 01:32:00 PST

mixtape 06/13/08

last set I did, 06/13/08.Its a 4 hour mix I did, I cut up into 8 pieces (bout half an hour each) for ease.rnb on the decks, hiphop, alittle twist of pop, some serious oldschool funk, upto clubstyle ed...
Posted by sil (]-_-[) on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 01:09:00 PST


i saidhey sistah, its really really nice to meechayou just met your five foot seven guy whos just your typeyou like the way hes speakin, his confidence is peakinyou may not like his baggy jeans, but y...
Posted by sil (]-_-[) on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 12:40:00 PST

Tip of my week

If you ever want to order a chiliburger, first ask how spicey they are. They could blow your head off.Just warning you.Especially when you're in Berlin..Oh, and another one: even if you're drunk, don'...
Posted by sil (]-_-[) on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 02:49:00 PST

ich bin ein berliner

Hey, Ill be off to Berlin for the coming 4 days. Maybe I even get to see some real Germans.Oh, don't mention the war!...
Posted by sil (]-_-[) on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 07:21:00 PST

German babies

An old article, but new to me. For once the Germs got my attention. Kudos to the profs.Saturday, September 02, 2006Germans Prove Ugly babies Stay Ugly Berlin, GERMANY - Today, German scientists p...
Posted by sil (]-_-[) on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 03:50:00 PST


im like browsing around and i see stuff, and normally i dont do this, but these things are just the shit. so sorry for this, but here i am with a glossy like gadget-blog, with some cool things i just ...
Posted by sil (]-_-[) on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 12:56:00 PST