Ancient Rome, Scipio, Julius Caesar, The Imperial Forums, and of course, the Vestal Virgins... This is me walking through the Roman Forum - also known as 'The Purple Pants Love Profusion Walk'. test
Anyone who has wants to know about my favourite city in world, Rome! As an Ancient Roman I am apalled at these animals in the Forum these days! Those LOW-LIFES! Satan's vomit is all over us!a href
Etruscan pipe music. That ASSHOLE Warhol lost this wonderful piece! I’m sure its worth like $100 by now. You're all such ASSHOLES!
Gladiator. Cleopatra. Taking a waz at mr. Black. The toilets were too busy for SOME reason! Leaky Assholes! ..
HBO/BBC's 'Rome'. ABCs 'Empire'... I'm giving some EDUCATION about the Arch of Septemius Severus in the Roman Forum. I am NOT giving a tour! Monkeys give tours!
Tacitus. Seutonius. Marcus Aurelius. The Classics! When I was 13, I wore my 1st Purple Pant(ies) for a Disco Party! ...and my 1st pad...
Julius Caesar - there is no other. I loved him. .. Here I am EDUCATING some fellow Americans about the Arch of Tight-Ass!! ..