Paranormal Investigation's, quantum physics, computers and of course I best not leave out paranormal publication. I could go on, but I dont want to bore everyone to death. Still if I did, my staff and I could maybe come and see if your still lingering around in spirit.
Im looking to make contact with other individuals and or groups interested in the pursuit of the paranormal. Also if any of you know a ghost or other worldly parnormal being that would like to come forward and show its existance, let us know and we will send out a researcher.
As long as its not someone singing about their dog dying, the truck breaking down or their girlfriend or spouce leaving them, I can listen to it.
BUBBA HO-TEP to 1408. I pretty much watch all the classics. :)
I have a child, so pretty much all I watch T.V wise is cartoons. :)
Book wise, I like everything from Faust by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe to the Hobbit by Tolkien. You can even find me picking up a good Stan Lee classic and reading it.
Someone who can stay true to their beliefs and convictions. Thats a hero in this day and time for sure.