A testament to the renaissance, I have earned a spot at the bottom of the ladder. My only direction is in the upward fashion, as I bring the roses with me to smell when I please. You can expect that I will not be what you expect. You can make a solid bet that I will fascinate, entertain, interrogate, investigate, imitate, exaggerate, dramatize, inflate, embarrass, intrigue, and irritate. Despite my truest of intentions, my primary objective won't be understood. I will say however, that there are some who have peered into what it means to be me. I love, appreciate, and applaud those who actually find the truth behind the facade. They are my support and I hope that one day I will make it worth their while.
I try to find the good in it all. I try to give more than I take. I try to be more than I am to motivate myself to actually be more. I try and make all things romantic. I try and fake all things out of my power. I try and say 'fuck it' for things out of my control. I try and love more than I loose. I try to believe in then theory of positive thinking.
I find the good in it all. I give more than I take. I am more than I am to motivate myself to actually be more. I make all things romantic. I fake all things out of my power. I say 'fuck it' for things out of my control. I love more than I loose. I believe. I am Ian Fay